33 weeks with baby #3: We finally got a 3-D image of Pokemon and we talk induction

I have 6 appointments now this week between my acupuncture, chiropractor, therapy, doula meetings, and twice-a-week OB visits. They’re all helpful. They’re all very needed for my overall health. But oy. My chiropractor wants to start twice-weekly visits now. Same with my acupuncturist. But I don’t know if I can actually fit all those appointments in. I don’t think I can do it all.

My twice-weekly OB visits consist of a 30 to 45-minute ultrasound scan where they do a biophysical profile (BPP) for the baby. Then I am sent to an exam room where I’m hooked up to a machine to measure heart rate accelerations corresponding to the baby’s movement, called a non-stress test (NST). Then I meet with the provider and then do blood work. A process that takes two hours, with an hour total drive-time.

BPP and NST #1

At the first BPP and NST on Tuesday (34w2d), I met with Dr. C. who could potentially deliver my baby if she’s on call. I did ask her if she uses the same induction protocol as my doctor and she assured me she does, and will only bump up Pitocin if labor stalls or there’s some other event that happens and the Pitocin could help avoid a C-section.

37 weeks is when they would want to induce me if I’m showing signs of mild pre-eclampsia, otherwise, we’re looking at induction at 38 to 39 weeks as long as my glucose and blood pressure are well controlled. Officially, on paper, I haven’t yet been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which I appreciate, because it means I don’t have to be put on a diabetic diet in the hospital. I did ask her about having outlier glucose readings, such as when I needed to go to the hospital last week and had McDonald’s for dinner on the way there. She said one bad number isn’t going to hurt the baby, and that it’s more the consistent bad numbers that can affect him.

She also wasn’t worried that my 2-hour post prandial checks were higher than my 1 hour. She said it could mean there was a delay in the glucose rise because of extra fiber I ate.

She also recommended I stop my two baby aspirins at 36 weeks because of bleeding risk during my birthing time, something I wasn’t comfortable with. I told her I would consider it, but that it was also something I wanted to talk with my own OB about.

My blood pressure was 123/87 and I’m 3 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight. Pokemon did his practice breathing right away, but we still did a long BPP because the sonographer was trying to get some good 3-D images of his face, since he’s been so elusive. We finally got some okayish ones (he really likes to squish all his limbs up by his face).

He also did well on the NST, even having some righteous hiccups which I caught on video. I have a second growth scan now scheduled for 36 weeks to make sure he’s on the right track, since his abdomen was measuring in the 99th percentile.

All in all, it was still a 2 hour appointment, so I’m resigning myself to the fact that that’s how long these appointments will be from now until I give birth.

We met over Zoom with our doula on Wednesday to go over my birth preferences and some of the comfort measures I can use during my birthing time. I thought it was really helpful, especially because Chris was there.

BPP and NST #2

Thursday was the second BPP and BST of the week, in which Pokemon technically didn’t pass the BPP fully (6/8) because he was supposed to do 30 seconds of practice breathing and the most he did consistently was 25 seconds. So while he didn’t pass in the clinic’s eyes, he passes in mine, because close enough. At least close enough for me not to worry.

I of course forgot my birth plan, but I was able to see my doctor for this appointment, even if I had to wait a little bit out in the waiting room after my ultrasound.

My BP was 136/83, but I was also a bit stressed and dying of thirst from forgetting my water in the car. I did ask the nurse for water and once I was hooked up to the NST, I started into my Quest protein bar. The nurse brought me a good-sized cup of cold water and the baby happily went nutso from the cold water and food for the next 15 or 20 minutes until Dr. A. came in.

I brought up my concerns with stopping the baby aspirin at 36 weeks like Dr. C. recommended and he advised I stay on them, putting it in my chart to not discontinue it because of the preeclampsia risk. So I felt better about that. He also said he recommends I be induced at 37 weeks because the baby has finished development. That would be the week of April 24th. I asked if it had to do with the preeclampsia, as in, the baby is fully grown and best to evacuate him before preeclampsia can sneak it’s way in later in pregnancy. He said yes, that was part of it.

I don’t know. I didn’t fully understand the reason, since I was always told previously it would be 38 to 39 weeks, but at the same time, if I make it to 37 weeks (the longest I’ve gone with a pregnancy) and I don’t yet have preeclampsia, is it better to just do the induction and avoid it happening altogether?

The absolute best-case scenario for me is a planned induction. I check into the hospital, rested, happy, plans in place without stress for the two girls. Get induced. Have a VBAC with my doctor again. No preeclampsia. No magnesium drip. No being ordered to stay in bed. No NICU. Getting to be with my baby from the moment of birth, until we discharge from the hospital in 2 days. It sounds like a fucking dream.

I’m scheduled to meet with him again next Thursday, so I plan on clarifying the 37-verses-38-week-induction thing again.

And after today, I’m weirdly sort of optimistic that this can actually happen. Making it to a scheduled induction.

Today, I’ve been having a lot more sciatic pain and exhaustion (it didn’t help Emelia wanted to take a shower this morning with me, a process that always takes a lot out of me, but in there with a 3-year-old is on another level right now). But I did strap on my pelvic support belt and go with Chris and the girls out to run errands and stop at a coffee shop this afternoon.

It’s hard to believe I’m looking at 3 more weeks of this pregnancy. The end is in sight.

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