2022 Freelance Income Report: Q3

Here we are at the end of September already. This quarter covered most of the summer, and childcare was looking pretty good for the most part. The girls were in daycare or summer camps which allowed me to continue working my usual four days a week.

2022 Freelance Income Report: Q3

As I said in the last income report, I’m tracking my income that actually comes in for the month, most of which comes from the previous month’s work. Less math that way, you know? I can just go off my accounting software records.

For covering most of the summer, it wasn’t a bad quarter, considering. I started working with seven new clients which has to be some sort of record for me.

I’ve actually been working for several health-based apps lately, and I think that trend is going to continue as more companies are providing health services for their employees.

There were 28 projects I worked on, articles ranging from online therapy reviews to narcolepsy, to melatonin in pregnnacy, to nurse practioner-run clinics, to sex-ed in schools. I cover the gamet.

I worked with some really great new clients including Saatva, Sleep Review, Medscape, and Healthy Women. The articles ranged from $250 a piece to $1,050.

I continued chugging along with my retirement savings, needing to try and hit a certain amount so I can put it in my SEP at the end of the year. My financial advisor told me if I don’t hit that amount this year, it’s okay since I’m basically playing catch-up. But by the end of this month, I was able to set that money in a savings, ready to put in the retirement account.



  • Projects billed for: 7
  • # of clients billed: 4
  • Income in: $6,750


  • Projects billed for: 6
  • # of clients billed: 4
  • Income in: $3,300


  • Projects billed for: 15
  • # of clients billed: 7
  • Income in: $6,950

Q1 income: $5,950

Q2 income: $23,675

Q3 income: $17,000

My yearly income goal is $72,000 and to make that, I need to bring in $14,675 in the last quarter. Which seemed completely doable except now I’m pregnant unexpectedly and don’t know what the future holds.

Overall, because summer notoriously can be slow with vacations, I’m happy with how things went, especially since losing a big anchor client a few months back. I want to hit my goal, but I also want to be realistic with how things go as far as my health this pregnancy.

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