Olivia’s two lost teeth

This girl lost, not just her first tooth, but two teeth. Two. At the same time.

We started noticing a few months ago that she was starting to grow her permanent teeth behind her two lower front teeth. Which was a little awkward, because her two baby teeth weren’t wiggling at all.

At her last dentist appointment, we talked about it and her dentist had said Olivia was supposed to work on getting them out, or we’d have to make another appointment in a month so the dentist could “help her get them out.”

I honestly wasn’t hopeful that she’d get them out in time since any time we’d ask her to wiggle them, she’d be all “I CAN’T IT HUUUURTS!”

But sure enough, yesterday, I picked her up from school and she had pulled both of them out. There was actually this little pink thing in her locker when I went to grab her jacket, but I didn’t think much about it. I’m glad I didn’t look in there because it would have ruined it.

She came running out of her class and said, “Mom, Mom! Guess what? I have to show you something!”

We go to her locker and she pulls out the little pink thing and it’s a case and when I open it there are two tiny little teeth.

“I lost my teeth, Mom!!!” She was jumping up and down. Oh, it was so sweet. She told me she pulled the first one out in the morning and something made me pull the second one out in the afternoon.

It’s so cute because she doesn’t have that gap in her teeth because her adult teeth are practically on their way in.

She video chatted with her two aunties and my parents when we got home and surprised them with her teeth. Then we sent photos to her other grandparents and some of my friends. It was a big deal around here.

And she was ecstatic to see the tooth fairy left her $10.00, but I had to convince her to put the tooth box on her nightstand since she flops around so much at night. Whew. That was fun… Did I ever tell you she’s also a light sleeper?

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