Emelia at 2.75 years

Emelia at 2.75 years

This girl has the craziest hair and the best personality. She loves to help with chores, being outside, and talking.

Emelia at 2.75 years
She got her car seat turned forward and a whole new world opened up.


Clothing size: 3T, size 6 shoes, size 5 diapers

Height and Weight: 2 feet 11.5 inches tall. Not sure on weight.

Teeth: I think she has them all? We’ll find out at her dentist appointment in a few months.

Emelia at 2.75 years


Still nursing. Still trying to rein in her love of nursing. This fall, Olivia starts school 45 minutes earlier than last year and I’m really needing to wean Emelia from the morning nursing sessions. It just takes too much time that I’m not going to have in the mornings come September.

Hallelujah! Emelia is eating carrots with hummus! Not every time, mind you, but for the most part she is, and this is huge because she scoffs at every vegetable offered. Actually, she completely ignores the vegetables on her plate during every dinner. But she will eat carrots. And of course, when I stuff her smoothies with spinach or kale, she’ll happily eat that, so at least there’s a few sources of veggies in her diet besides her gummy vitamins.

Emelia at 2.75 years

Other than that, her food preferences haven’t really changed. She does love her dipping sauces, mainly sweet and sour varieties, so it’s a way to get her to eat chicken nuggets and thus, protein. Fruits are at the top of her list, and she’s been loving eating apples whole.

Pasta, french fries, macaroni and cheese (“MAC CHEEZ!”), fruits, smoothies, garlic bread, meatballs (including BBQ), yogurt, and cereal are her favorite foods. She’s also been on 1% milk now for the last two months or so from her whole milk. She’s doing great drinking out of open cups and using her spoon and fork.

Emelia at 2.75 years


Overall, Emelia’s been sleeping well for quite some time now. She goes down between 7 and 7:30 pm and wakes up between 6:30 and 7:00 am. She still loves to sleep with a variety of stuffed animals, her little pillow, and a muslin blanket. I’m so grateful she’s sleeping through the night 99.5% of the time now because it was ROUGH when she was a baby.

The bedtime routine kind of sucks because she fights us for EV.ER.Y.THING. Chris has been taking over the bedtime routine with her while I am with Olivia because he can handle Emelia better. I’m just so quick to lose my patience with her because she’s constantly running away or fighting me during diaper changes or brushing teeth. But she does actually say her bedtime prayers with me, so that’s pretty adorable.

She’s still on one afternoon nap and still sleeps anywhere from an hour and a half to two hours. And actually, her naps at daycare can sometimes be better than the ones at our house. Sometimes she’ll nurse before her nap or bedtime, but sometimes I can get away without it.

Emelia at 2.75 years


She needs to be potty-trained before she moves up at daycare, and so far, she’s not having much success. We all met for a meeting at school: her current toddler teacher, the teacher whose classroom she’ll be in the fall, Chris and me, a member of the office staff, and the three people on her care team for OT. We bought her another month, so she won’t be moving up until the beginning of October.

Still, it’s stressful because while she’s interested in the potty and will tell us when she’s pooped, or will sit on the potty, she hasn’t gone at our house and only a handful of times at daycare. I’m trying to not let the stress get to me, because they reassured me that many toddlers don’t have it “click” until closer to their third birthday, but I’m not working with a lot of wiggle room where she needs to move up classes. I didn’t have to worry about this with Olivia and let me tell you, it’s not fun.

Emelia at 2.75 years


Emelia’s been relatively healthy the last few months. She had a fever and some sort of viral infection in May, but after that, she’s been doing well. Which is surprising considering she’s in daycare four days a week.

Emelia at 2.75 years


Her language skills are just amazing me every day. To think that in January when we started OT services she had three words. Now she’s stringing together 6-7 word sentences. “I heard…mah titter out there!” she said to me while nursing and hearing her sister come into the house.

She has one of those small Squishmallows and one day when she was playing with it on the couch she exclaimed loudly, “Mah mini squish fall down on me!”

“My green light turn green like Sisters!” (She too, has an OK-To-Wake clock like Olivia.)

“I make you happy?” She asked me one day completely unprompted. I swear, like her big sister, you never know what is going to come out of her mouth.

“When I wake up, I do monkey bars,” she told me right before her nap. Chris got them a ninja line for the backyard, which Emelia refers to as “monkey bars.”

She calls herself, “Meeyah!” and her sister, “Re-rah” or “Me mah!” (Olivia)

She can count to 5 unprompted and to 14 with some prompts.

And oh goodness, just today we were dropping off some donated blankets I crocheted and she was acting all shy with the woman at the register and when we got back in the car and I was buckling her up, she goes, “I very like her.” And I melted.

Emelia at 2.75 years


  • Toys: Little figurines, her babies, balls, and blocks
  • Books: Definitely her sister’s books. She especially loves the PJ Masks books that read to you with the little tablet thing.
  • TV shows/Movies: Encanto and Frozen II, Daniel Tiger, Sing II, Full House (!!!), Cocomelon
  • Activities: Running errands with me, nursing, playing with her sister, being outside, riding her balance bike
Emelia at 2.75 years

See more of Emelia’s monthly updates here.

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