Cycle day 10 results + What I’m looking forward to as a parent

Cycle day 10 results + What I'm looking forward to as a parent

Cycle day 10!

We had our cycle day 10 ultrasound this morning.  Three mature follicles!  I am so relieved.  They want to wait another day and do another ultrasound because the follicles need to be a little bit bigger.  I heard like a 17.3mm, 17.5mm, and 13mm.  It’s different for everyone, but the numbers I see on the internet is around 18-20 for follicles that are ready to go.  So tomorrow morning is the second ultrasound and if everything is good, I will trigger Christmas Eve.  Personally I am hoping they will hold off until I can trigger Christmas Day evening (that sounds weird) and then we can do back-to-back IUIs Wednesday and Thursday.

The nurse also told me that one cup of coffee a day has not shown to have any ill effects on treatment, but I think I am still going to keep it limited until this cycle is over and I get a negative pregnancy test. How’s that for positive?

The 30 Day Blogging Challenge

In other news, I am halfway through the Blog Challenge! The rest of this is part of the 30 Day Infertility Blogging Challenge. I thought this might be a great way for me to focus on my infertility, but also to show myself in a different light. You can read the whole series by clicking here.

15.  If you are not yet pregnant/a parent: What are you MOST and LEAST looking forward to after that first beta?

How fitting this comes today, right before our IUI.

MOST: I am most excited about the fact that this month of actual monitoring and drugs will have a result.  It gives me something to look forward to.

LEAST- After hearing my initial number, I think it would just increase my anxiety because if the number is good, meaning the pregnancy hormone is detected, it will need to double itself every 2-3 days or so to conclude that it is a viable pregnancy.  And just because the number isn’t so good, doesn’t necessarily mean there is no pregnancy.  So overall, anxiety, is what I am least looking forward to.  As Martin Lawerence says in Bad Boys 2:


  1. December 23, 2012 / 9:49 pm

    Three follicles!?! That's fabulous! That's cool that you're doing two IUIs. We only did one round of IUI but I had no idea people did two sessions in two days. Smart! Can't wait to hear how the rest of the process goes. SO hoping for success for you and Chris.

  2. December 29, 2012 / 4:39 pm

    Hi Risa!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blood and sending your support. I wish you, luck in your 2ww! I completely understand about the anxiety. I feel sometimes as if my while life is spent in different sets of anxiety. Waiting to ovulate, waiting to find out if pregnant, waiting for period, waiting for it to b end snd then the cycle continues. I'm sending lots of baby dust your way!

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