How my financial situation has affected my infertility

This post is part of the 30 Day Infertility Blogging Challenge. I thought this might be a great way for me to focus on my infertility, but also to show myself in a different light. You can read the whole series by clicking here.

How my financial situation has affected my infertility

24.  How has your financial situation affected your infertility journey?

Well, up until now I have only been paying for Clomid and office copays.  And in December when we went to the fertility clinic, the only additional expense was the progesterone and trigger shot.  Though the trigger was a pain to get, we didn’t have to pay out of pocket for it.  So really, our financial situation hasn’t really affected us besides having to watch what we spent being that I wasn’t working that much.  Now, if this all leads to IVF, that is where we are going to be affected by it.  Like I said before, we only get 10,000 dollars lifetime for infertility coverage, unless Chris changes jobs and the new insurance is different.  So if it comes down to IVF, that is going to most likely be an out of pocket expense and a single IVF cycle is around $10-15,000.  I am becoming more aware of some resources out there for IVF funding, so hopefully, we can get some help if we need it.

I feel like I should be writing down New Year’s Resolutions.  Actually, it would have fit better to do it yesterday.  I haven’t really thought of any good ones.  Sure I would like to lose weight.  But these fertility hormones make me shove food in my mouth faster than the World Champion Hotdog Eater.  At least I blame it on the hormones.  We’ll go with that.

I am not going to resolve to be more positive about this whole thing.  I am just not in that place right now.  How about I just stick with these slightly vague goals:

1) Take better care of myself.  Exercise more, eat less chips and dip.  I bought new yoga pants so I can do that too.

2) Draw closer to God.  Attend church more regularly and read the Bible more than I was.

Both of these will improve my mood anyway.

Hope everyone had a good New Year.  Chris and I ate lots of Papa John’s pizza and breadsticks. I, in gleeful defiance, drank a beer and we promptly fell asleep at 11:30.


  1. January 1, 2013 / 11:17 am

    Our finances are only really bothered at the beginning of the year. We're very fortunate to have great IF coverage. We have a $500 deductible and when we meet that, they pay everything 80%. However, we have a max out of pocket expense of $1,000 so in 2012 all IF related things were covered at 100% since April! My shipments of IVF meds alone I'm told cost between $7-8k each so I'm very happy we got our last shipment in before Jan.1st and hopefully we wont need to order another 🙂

    P.S. Papa Johns and beer ::Drool:: sounds good 🙂

  2. January 1, 2013 / 11:39 am

    Oh my gosh I hate expensive things. But that is good coverage. Who knows what Chris's future job could bring.

    And yes, it was DROOL! I am eating some for lunch today because we are pigs and got two large pizzas 🙂

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