Family Vacation (by myself)

We had a long-awaited vacation planned, just the two of us. No kids. North shore. Lots of pizza and hiking and possibly adult time and small rustic cabins on Lake Superior.⁣

Emelia was the first to drop. Congestion. Runny nose. Fever. Then Olivia. I kept thinking fuck. FUCK. ⁣

Thursday evening was full of Boogie wipes and thermometers and dashed dreams. My sighs were heard for miles. ⁣

Then he uttered the six words that would change the course of our marriage: Why don’t you just go yourself?⁣

Other moms, good moms, BETTER moms would have said, “Oh noes, I’ll stay here and help take care of the babies.” ⁣

Me: “I’ll go pack.” ⁣

So I took our romantic getaway by myself. I told my mom my plans and joked I hoped I didn’t get eaten by a bear. (I think she was concerned the whole weekend I’d be eaten by a bear or possibly kidnapped). ⁣

I listened to an audiobook to occupy myself alone in the car. I ate lunch by myself in Duluth. I shopped. I drove another two hours to the cabin. I got takeout from the restaurant to eat in my cabin. ⁣

I ate a donut at the World’s Best Donut Shop in Grand Marais. I shopped some more. I talked with the local shop owners. I bought hand-spun yarn from a lady at the outdoor market and sat by the water. ⁣

I got Sven and Ole’s pizza. Oh, I ate the most amazing pork tacos for lunch. I ate a lot on this vacation. ⁣

Family Vacation (by myself)

I video chatted with my sick kids. I felt a little guilty but knew their daddy could care for them just as well as me (and probably better). I watched Food Network and crocheted. ⁣

It was amazing. And if you don’t have a Chris, get yourself a Chris. One who stays home with the sick kids and lets you go on vacation alone. Just don’t take my Chris.

Family Vacation (by myself)


  1. Kristin Joy
    October 1, 2021 / 10:52 pm

    Don’t say better moms would have done something different! You’re a great mom and one of the best things you did for them was give your girls a dad that cares about them as much as you do! And it never hurts to give yourself time to miss your children. We all need that, whether or not we get it.

  2. Jana
    October 4, 2021 / 12:07 pm

    I love this so much! Not the part where the kids get sick and your romantic weekend is ruined, but the fact that you were able to still get away and take care of you! This is so important. So many times mom’s will say “Well, I got a pedicure – that was “me time”. Nope, sorry. Sometimes we REALLY need to get away to refresh, renew, and rejuvenate. It helps us and our families! I love that you did this…and you have a fabulous husband! Oh, and the north shore is my absolute favorite place in MN!

  3. rose
    October 4, 2021 / 6:03 pm

    Fabulous. Happy for all 4 of you. Know you really needed the vacation and whiile it wasn’t what you had planned and needed as a couple it was clearly wonderful for you. Congratulations to all of you!

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