November 2020 in review

This month got away from me. Luckily, we’ve had a really mild November with just a bit of snow. At the time I’m writing this, we haven’t even had snow for several weeks now.

November 2020 in review


Picking up work here and there. It’s so hard to work without childcare. There have been a few prospective clients approach me for work (a CBD publication and one for a well-known cancer organization) but I’m not assuming anything will come my way until after the holidays. I haven’t increased my antianxiety as of yet, but I think I’m doing OK. I’ve gotten the Christmas shopping done and am working to finish up crocheted Christmas gifts.

November 2020 in review


Dealing with shoulder and collarbone issues from some unknown injury. He’s been seeing the chiropractor again on a regular basis for it which has been helping. He’s been able to take some vacation days since he had so many built up. Olivia helped him make some Christmas cookies and homemade Twix bars.

November 2020 in review


Still going to preschool in-person. I’m praying the other families are doing their part to continue to let this be a reality for the kids. She’s definitely feeling the effects of a COVID lifestyle, but she’s been a trooper considering. They’re up to the letter F in school, and her handwriting has just blown me away for a barely five-year-old. She’s been getting her fill of toasted marshmallow steamers from our local coffee shop when we take walks through the city. And she’s been such a good big sister to Emelia, even if she does smother her 95% of the day. Oh, and she’s been big into taking pictures with our phones lately.

November 2020 in review


Screeching. Yelling. Hollering. Just in general trying to bring the house down with the sheer volume of her voice. It’s her intonation though that cracks me up. She’s really trying to say stuff now even if it comes out like AAAAHHHHHbababa. AHHH drickle gah bah bah. She’s been walking around with her walker (or the kitchen step stool) and she definitely has some stiffness in her legs we’re working on, but physical therapy has been happy with her progress.

November 2020 in review


  • All the outdoor walks we’ve been taking. We’ve been driving out to different parks and places and making it an “event” because it’s our lone source of entertainment.
  • The election results. I’ll leave it at that since I’m tired of dealing with angry people over politics.
  • Emelia is doing amazing with eating solid foods. She’s a champ that doesn’t ever struggle with chewing and swallowing anymore.
  • I bought a bunch of antique buttons from my favorite antique store and Olivia and I have been having fun sorting them. There’s something really soothing about it.
  • I started pelvic floor therapy. This was much needed after two kids.
  • Olivia and I got haircuts and she now has the cutest little layers in her hair.
  • Emelia slept from 8 pm to 10 am the next morning with one wake-up at night. This was by far the most she’s ever slept. I know it probably won’t ever happen again.
  • We set up our Christmas stuff, and the tree is now set back behind baby jail.
November 2020 in review


  • Due to COVID issues, we haven’t been able to spend time with my parents and it’s been hard. Olivia really misses them.
  • Daylight Savings was rough for the first time since having kids, with Olivia waking for the day at 5:15 for several mornings in a row.
  • We were two weeks into an ECFE class with both girls where they got time to play in a gym when it was canceled due to rising cases in the community and went virtual. They had their first virtual storytime last week which of course I missed (virtual is nothing compared to experiencing something in person), so I need to make an effort to make the next one. Olivia was really disappointed because she just made a friend there. I was disappointed because this was the last ECFE class she could take.
  • All the people Chris and I know now that have/or had COVID.
  • Olivia did a Zoom ballet class where they danced to Frozen’s “Into The Unknown” but she was so hard on herself and basically kept falling apart. She’s a bit of a perfectionist.
  • We celebrated Olivia’s fifth birthday. She also had conferences that day (which was converted to a phone call) and her teacher said she was doing wonderful. My favorite is when she said Olivia is very good at inviting other kids to play that are playing alone. Above anything else, academics or otherwise, I want my girls to be kind.
  • Olivia had six nights in a row of absolutely losing her shit at bedtime. Wanting us to sleep with her. Crying when we wouldn’t which led to all-out screaming tantrums. It. Was. Awful. I had talked to a friend who’s an OT and we determined this was behavioral over mental or sensory. Sure enough, which some new tactics, it gradually got better and fingers crossed we’re back to normal.
November 2020 in review


  • I’m hoping sometime soon Chris and I can drop the kids off at my parents’ for a much (much) needed time away just the two of us. Our monthly date nights have long since gone out the window.
  • We officially have another shut down in our state though not as restricted as it was in March. While our church continues to be open and promote that fact (something I disagree with), we’ve been continuing to watch online from our family room. The closing of restaurants to in-person seating sucks. I get it, but it was nice when I went to ones with hardly any people there.
  • Emelia loves walking around with assistance and I know it’s a matter of time before she’s walking on her own. I still think it’s going to be another month or two or maybe longer with the stiffness of how she walks right now, but she’s been doing great.
November 2020 in review

Read more monthly review posts here.


  1. December 9, 2020 / 6:13 pm

    Her and Aspyn would be buddies with the hollering. It’s loud over here too! She is gonna be a gabby one

    • Risa
      December 18, 2020 / 10:50 am

      Bah ha ha!!!!!

  2. rose
    December 10, 2020 / 3:01 pm

    Thank you. Wonderful to read. Over all, given situation, you guys are doing super wonderfully well! And, you look like you are over all the pregnancy weight realities too; you look thinner, but still lovely. Pregnancy etc weight stuff is complex; our bones move and appearances change. Sorry to hear you also are in shut down mode; way isolated here. Thinking it may be a virtual Christmas … which is better than some alternatives; I want to be around for the vaccine opportunity and holidays in 2021 and thereafter.
    You provide such support and encouragement. Hope you get the writing work you want on your time frame.
    Thank you every time you write here.

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