Super Sweet Blogging Award! How fitting, I just ate two s’mores.

Super Sweet Blogging Award

My lovely Emily at Teach Me to Braid has nominated me for a Super Sweet Blogging Award. I may or may not be eating a third s’more right now in celebration of this. Thanks, Emily, for being so kind!

Here are the rules

  • Thank Emily (done)
  • Answer 5 super sweet questions
  • Include the Super Sweet Blogging award image in the blog post (done)
  • Nominate 12 other bloggers

Super Sweet Questions

1. Cookies or cake? How about a piece of cake with a cookie on the side?

2. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate. Me likes me chocolate.

3. Favorite sweet treat? Is Better Than Sex Cake too cliche? No? Ok, Better Than Sex Cake.

4. When do you crave sweet things the most? When I realize that my period is coming and I am not pregnant yet again.  Also when my period comes.

5. Sweet nickname? So my dad used to say these obnoxious renditions of my name. Reezy, Breezy, Sneezy.  From there, it turned to Cheesy.  I pretended to hate them, but the nickname Cheesy now allows me to send copious amount of pictures via cell phone to my dad with every advertisement in the stores that said the word, “cheesy.” Cheesy goodness. Try our new cheesy version! Rich and Cheesy!

And now, the 12 Super Sweet Blogs!

1) Not sure if there are no takesies-backsies, but Em at Teach Me to Braid is pretty incredible. Our husbands went to college together and I was first introduced to Emily when my husband found her blog on her Facebook page. Emily is a talented writer whose posts tug on your heartstrings.

2) Teresa at Where the bleep is our stork? has made herself one of the most visible bloggers I have experienced.  I “met” Teresa soon after we both started blogging. She has grown into someone I truly call a friend and sister.

3) Ann at A Day in the Life of the Fosters writes with raw emotion and her posts are always so honest. She is starting an FET soon and I’m sure would welcome the support.

4) Amanda at Genuine Greavu is just…sweet.  Perfect for this nomination. I love her blog. She just writes so well and is so honest in her thoughts.

5) Aramis at It Only Takes One always has posts that make me giggle. The others are so heartfelt.  She was one of the first blogs I discovered when I started mine.

6) Rebecca at Life of an Army Wife has been through a lot lately and always does such a great job at continuing to write throughout it all. She is an inspiration and is an incredibly strong woman.

7) I have grown quite close to Amber at Old Lady and No Baby. She is a huge asset to the infertility community and always has an encouraging word to say.

8) Court at Our Pathway to Parenthood just had a beautiful baby girl and is one of the “sweetest” girls I know.  She is truly an inspiration to me that this whole journey will all be worth it in the end.

9) Cristy at Searching for our silver lining has been an amazing source of support for me.  She has “been there” and always seems to keep me from going absolutely cra cra.

10) Jenni at Unconceivably Blessed written posts that left me in tears. She is a beautiful writer that I have come to get to know through blogging and Facebook. She is one of those bloggers whose story I will forever remember.

11) Aubrey at Two Hearts and One Dream is just adorable. Seriously. I want to take her back to ass-cold Minnesota and drink hot cocoa with her.

12) Jenny at Sprout is another blogger that I have been reading since I started blogging. She, like others, is someone I truly wish I knew in real life. She seems to come up with these interesting posts all the time like it’s nothing. She is a great writer who is about to give birth to her miracle baby.

Whew. There you have it. I hope you can check out these lovely ladies’ blogs and give them some encouragement. I am going to go back to my wine and s’mores now.

My uterus is about to be violated on Monday, after three months for my trial transfer and saline u/s. I hope I can remember how to spread my legs in front of multiple people again.


  1. June 2, 2013 / 8:00 am

    I love better than sex cake too!! Good luck on Monday!

  2. June 2, 2013 / 8:52 am

    Hope Monday goes well! I uses to always make better than sex cake, so yum!! Great nominations too!

  3. June 2, 2013 / 9:23 am

    OMG! You are so sweet (for reals!) Thanks for mentioning my blog. I am excited to do this!

    Better than sex cake? Um I need to know more about this!!

    THANK YOU AGAIN, sweet, sweet friend!! XOXO

  4. June 2, 2013 / 10:25 am

    Good luck!

  5. June 2, 2013 / 10:40 am

    The answer to question one is perfect. Why should anyone be forced to choose between the two?

    Thank you so much for the shout-out. You're the sweetest. 🙂

    Good luck on Monday!

  6. Meagan
    June 2, 2013 / 10:56 am

    Good luck to you and Chris on Monday! <3 <3

  7. June 2, 2013 / 1:46 pm

    Good luck on Monday! It is hopefully the start to an ultimately awesome outcome!

  8. June 2, 2013 / 2:52 pm

    I'm just gonna ditto everyone else's comments! Thanks for mentioning me. You're the best!

  9. June 2, 2013 / 4:33 pm

    You are so kind. Thanks for the support and for mentioning my blog! 🙂 GOOD LUCK tomorrow!!! 🙂

  10. June 2, 2013 / 6:27 pm

    Thank you, thank you, thank you (!!!!) for giving me something to blog about… I've been in such a rut… and sweets! Oh my… now sweets are DEFINITELY something I can blog about!! xo 🙂

  11. June 3, 2013 / 8:47 am

    Aww, thanks Risa! I'm feeling the love! I can't wait to checkout some of these other bloggers!

  12. June 4, 2013 / 10:17 am

    I love love love s'mores! My husband and I were going to have a s'mores bar at our wedding, but forgot to set everything out. As a result, I ate s'mores every day during our honeymoon!

  13. June 4, 2013 / 12:48 pm

    Slowly catching up with reading. Thank you for the nomination! And I love your nickname. 😉

  14. June 11, 2013 / 2:01 pm

    When I was a kid, my mom called it "Better than Church Cake." I still think that's so funny. I'm literally laughing at my own story right now. And I love what you said about a piece of cake with a cookie on the side. Ha!

    Thanks for the sweet words about my blog. It means so much. Also, you said such great things about these women, many of whom have become friends of mine as well. I love this community.

  15. June 14, 2013 / 9:14 am

    Aww, thank you for the bloggie award! I am very behind in my reading AND writing and hope to catch up very soon!

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