Olivia’s yearly questions at age 5

Olivia's yearly questions: Age 5

I found a new set of questions on Facebook that are a little more advanced than the ones she was asked at three and four years old. So without further ado!

  1. If you won a million dollars, what would you do?

Get a Barbie Dreamhouse.

2. How long does it take to get to the beach?

20 minutes.

3. What does Mom always say to you?

“Don’t drag the baby by her feet.” (This should be, “Don’t smother the baby.”)

4. What does Dad always say to you?

“You are a good girl.” (Give me a break.)

5. What job would you like to do when you grow up?

Be a ninja.

6. Who is the strongest superhero?

Captain America!

7. Where do babies come from?

Mommy’s tummy.

8. At what age do you become a grownup?


9. What’s the worst rule Mommy has for you?

“Don’t drag the baby.” (Again with this.)

10. What animal does Mom look like?

Hmm… an ostrich (??)

11. What would you do if you couldn’t find your underwear?

Ah!!! (laughing) I would check in my drawer.

12. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?


13. How much does it cost to buy a house?

Um, twenty dollars.

14. Who do you hang out with all the time?

Kinley (her friend from preschool)

15. What song makes you want to sing?

Let It Go

16. What are you scared of?


17. What is your favorite game to play?

Mouse Trap and Monopoly Deal

18. What is Santa Clause like?

He’s jolly.

19. What do you think Santa will bring you for Christmas?

A new potatohead—I mean Elsa and Ana dolls.

20. Where does Santa live?

In the North Pole

Image credit: Erin and I Photo

Olivia’s yearly questions at age 3
Olivia’s yearly questions at age 4


  1. December 11, 2020 / 11:23 am

    Love these questions! In none of your photos do you ever look like an ostrich

    • Risa
      December 18, 2020 / 10:50 am

      Ha ha ha!!!!

  2. December 14, 2020 / 4:07 am

    So cute! Funny what is memorable to her like don’t drag baby by her feet. For some reason that stuck in her head. I like how she reflected on things, too.

    • Risa
      December 18, 2020 / 10:51 am

      I know, I love seeing what’s important to her. 🙂

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