My first IVF war mark

So…today this happened.

My first IVF war mark

Lupron:  1

Risa:      0

I think I panicked again right before my injection and messed up my mojo and actually squeed a little out loud as the needle went in.  Obviously I didn’t do something right.

Also today I had my first ‘roid rage at work.  Where I got so mad after a phone call that I teared up and then ranted and raved by myself in my office, which brought on a massive Lupron-induced headache.

Lupron:  3

Risa:      0

I finished that off by eating three tacos for lunch to get rid of my nausea.

Lupron:  4

Risa:      1

(We each got a point for that round.)

Chris admired my bruise and then told me he would give me my injection tomorrow.  Something about that he could run circles around my attempts at injections…

Lupron:   5

Risa:       1

Well-played Lupron, well played.


  1. June 11, 2013 / 9:58 pm

    Yowch! I had one once that squirted out blood when M took out the needle. Lupron is such a bitch.

  2. June 11, 2013 / 10:26 pm

    I'm on the Lupe for my FET right now. I swear I can get so angry I see red! Totally not normal. It's kicking my ass. Much sympathy for ya!

  3. June 12, 2013 / 6:21 am

    Ouch! Hang in there! Lupron is the devil but you will get through this!!

  4. June 12, 2013 / 6:34 am

    Oh no!!! That looks painful!!!

  5. June 12, 2013 / 7:14 am

    Aww, man, that looks terrible! Now I KNOW I don't want to take Lupron! Hoping this section passes quickly!

  6. June 12, 2013 / 7:58 am

    Here's hoping you even the score out today!

  7. June 12, 2013 / 8:53 am

    The evil bastard!

  8. June 12, 2013 / 9:01 am

    Owie! I hope the score changes today! Thumbs up on the tacos, though 🙂

  9. June 12, 2013 / 10:51 am

    Damn that Lupron, that's a heck of a battle wound!

  10. June 12, 2013 / 11:16 am

    Wow, Lupron does not look kind. I hope that you score some points back today!

  11. June 12, 2013 / 12:07 pm

    Risa holding it together while on a drug that reduces grown men to overtired toddler status = +infinity.

    Though it doesn't feel like it, you're doing awesome. Hang in there.

  12. June 12, 2013 / 12:17 pm

    Ugh. Sounds awful. I am feeling pretty lucky Lupron was never part of my protocol. Hang in there! It will be over soon enough.

  13. June 12, 2013 / 12:52 pm

    Good call to have Chris give you the shot. Although now that I think about it…Andrew gave me some pretty nasty bruises. I think you're screwed either way.

  14. June 12, 2013 / 4:58 pm

    Ah! I cringed when I read this. Stupid Lupron.

  15. June 12, 2013 / 4:58 pm

    Yes Stacey! I agree, not normal. Good luck on your FET!!

  16. June 12, 2013 / 4:59 pm

    Lupron sucks. It's so much worse than clomid ever was to me. All the side effects seem exemplified.

  17. June 12, 2013 / 5:00 pm

    I know, it definitely doesn't look good. It doesn't hurt when I touch it, but when I walk I can feel it. 🙁

  18. June 12, 2013 / 5:01 pm

    Ha ha! The best part is I get to keep taking it all through my cycle up to my retrieval but it's such a piddly amount that it almost doesn't seem worth it for an injection.

  19. June 12, 2013 / 5:02 pm

    Ha ha today wasn't as bad. I had a headache in the morning but luckily that was about it.

  20. June 12, 2013 / 5:03 pm

    🙂 very true.

  21. June 12, 2013 / 5:03 pm

    I don't know I still have too nervous to let him. 🙂 maybe that was just a fluke?

  22. June 12, 2013 / 5:04 pm

    No kidding. Ow.

  23. June 12, 2013 / 5:04 pm

    Ha! The tacos were pretty delicious.

  24. June 12, 2013 / 5:05 pm

    I'm saving these pictures to show the kiddies someday.

  25. June 12, 2013 / 5:05 pm

    No. It definitely isn't. Maybe it was just a bad day. Today went better.

  26. June 12, 2013 / 5:06 pm

    Yes! That's exactly it! I hate doing these shots. Definitely a source of anxiety right away in the morning.

  27. June 12, 2013 / 5:07 pm

    Ha ha! Ok then you have a point. Lol I can't win.

  28. June 12, 2013 / 5:08 pm

    Yep. You should feel lucky. Hopefully things don't get any worse, because I've heard some horror stories about Lupron.

  29. June 13, 2013 / 8:18 pm

    I just started lupron 2 days ago. No big bruises yet (holly-2, lupron 0) but I got a long way ahead!! Hang in there!!

  30. June 28, 2013 / 12:10 am

    Hopefully this will all be behind you and it will be Risa who wins the knock out round when you bring home that baby!

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