Father’s Day 2020—COVID style

It was actually kind of hot and muggy out so I’m glad we didn’t have big plans for a giant outdoor BBQ. It was a really low-key holiday this year, as are all of them now in our new world.

Olivia drew Chris a picture for Father’s Day. In blue, at the bottom of the drawing is her version of “Happy Dad Day” where I wrote down letter after letter on my own sheet and she copied it on hers. It may not be legible, but I’m so proud of her. This is both Chris and I and Olivia and baby Emelia. Now I didn’t ask, but I’m assuming all that brown is Chris’s beard.

He loved it. These homemade cards are way better than the store-bought ones. Chris and Olivia made blueberry muffins for breakfast and we gave one to Emelia to try which she went crazy for. She hasn’t been doing baby-led weaning for long, but this was the most excited I’ve seen her about food on her tray.

Father's Day 2020

Normally we go to my grandparents for a big family gathering, but we knew two years ago it was the last time my grandma was putting it on, so we would have been celebrating with just my immediate family, but we weren’t comfortable with that large of a gathering, so it was just us this year, as it was for Mother’s Day. I just realized what a huge run-on sentence that was, but the baby is fussing and I needed to do a read through and get this post up before it’s July. I decided to head over to visit my dad with the girls for a bit and bring him his card and gift, and Olivia had a drawing for him as well.

We stayed for a little over an hour until Emelia started letting me know it was time to go down for her afternoon nap. Olivia played ball with her Pop outside for a few minutes until we left to drive back home. Chris and Olivia went to a new park during Emelia’s nap and I hung out alone and watched TV (by myself! alone!) until the baby woke up. I got both of them dressed in the last of their matching dresses and we were able to get a few pictures before the rain hit.

She wanted her dad to put these flowers in her hair. She got pizza for dinner and we watched Peter Pan while she ate. Once both kids were in bed, Chris and I got Famous Dave’s pick up, ate an embarrassing amount of BBQ, and sat and talked the rest of the night.

This guy I married—he’s pretty amazing. He makes the most perfect girl dad. Every year since Olivia was born, these days get better and better. And by that I mean, they get a little easier of believing this is our life, now with two little girls.


  1. rose
    June 22, 2020 / 9:16 pm

    Fabulous joy. Thank you for sharing. Such lovely waves in O’s hair!!!! Lucky.

    • Risa
      June 24, 2020 / 8:40 pm

      You never know what her hair is going to do on any given day. 😉

  2. July 7, 2020 / 9:20 am

    Aw looks like it was a nice day. That first picture of Olivia hugging her Dad is so cute!

    • Risa
      July 7, 2020 / 4:17 pm

      I know. She’s ALLL about her daddy.

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