15 weeks with Olivia: Finally feeling better

I got hooked up this week by my amazing Texan friend, C, who is letting me borrow her Tula for when the baby comes. I tried it on a few days ago and stared at myself in the mirror. I wanted this baby carried against me in the carrier in the worst way. Even Chris was a good sport and let me buckle him into it. I took one look at him and teared up. Fatherhood looks good on him.

She also had this wall hanging made for me to put in the baby’s nursery.

15 weeks with Olivia: Finally feeling better

I had taken it out of the box, and immediately the tears came. I feel like this wall hanging is symbolic of everything we have gone through up to this point. I can’t even look at it even now, without feeling the prick of tears. I can’t wait to hang it up.

I would say I started feeling better Tuesday at 14w4d. I woke up and actually didn’t feel the urge to dry heave, or really gag at all. I could open the fridge without my stomach rolling and my mouth watering. Wednesday I noticed I had a ton more energy to get some stuff done around the house. I am still on my Vitamin B6/Unisom combo until maybe next week when I have some time to relax and prepare if the nausea comes. Overall I was feeling good, although Seaweed decided to knock me down off my pedestal a bit by causing a tremendous dry heave last night after brushing my teeth. So. Not out of the woods yet, but slowly on my way there. As much as I hate the nausea/heaves, I wouldn’t give it up for anything. This is what I wanted to experience.

The last few days I’ve really started noticing there is a baby bump there, and not just a burrito fat roll. In fact, I was asked while browsing the baby clothes at a department store two nights ago how far along I was. Now, being a girl who carries weight in her stomach, I’ve been asked this before (thanks a lot assholes) so I asked the lady if I really looked pregnant and not just fat. She laughed and told me she definitely could tell I was pregnant. It. Was. Awesome.

Pregnancy bump photos with Olivia

I can really tell when I look at my bare stomach from the front because it’s starting to round out and doesn’t jiggle as much anymore.

Other than that, I’m still feeling the bubbles and weird sensations that are a squirming 4.5-inch baby that is the size of an orange. Baby is now peeing and developing sex organs. Five more weeks until we find out the sex! I can’t believe it.


  1. June 19, 2015 / 1:20 pm

    I love that plaque, how sweet 🙂 You look precious!! I keep wondering the same thing, do I really look pregnant or just like I ate too much lol. I can feel it a little more now that some of the jiggle has gone away, like you said.

  2. June 19, 2015 / 7:25 pm

    So glad you are feeling better and pregnancy looks great on you. Sorry to say but you may dry heave or gag brushing your teeth for 9 months. Just a heads up.

  3. June 19, 2015 / 11:31 pm

    The plaque made me tear up too. And Tula is awesome!! An absolute must-have! I'm so happy you're feeling better!

  4. June 20, 2015 / 5:25 pm

    100% Beautiful!! Look at that bumppppp!!

  5. June 22, 2015 / 11:53 am

    Aw that plaque is perfect! And so is your bump! 🙂

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