Emelia at two months

Emelia at 2 months

Oh, this little baby. She’s still practicing her head control.

Emelia at 2 months

And being awake more.

Emelia at 2 months

Emelia at 2 months

Because being awake is really hard when you’re two months old but a month behind being born early.

This past month, like the month before, has flown by. For me, at least. She’s two months, but still behaves very much like a four week old. She slept through her first Thanksgiving.

Emelia at 2 months

Nicknames: Meals, Melia, Mealie

Weight: 10 lbs 9.5 oz (38th percentile on regular growth chart)

Length: 21.5 inches (16th percentile on regular growth chart)

Head circumference: 14.9 inches (49th percentile)

Diaper size: 1

Clothing size: 0-3 months

Emelia at 2 months


She’s nursing every three hours at night, and usually during the day unless she’s cluster-feeding. I’m exclusively nursing her now, save for the occasional bottle when I’m gone. We’re actually talking about trying to do one bottle a day because she HATES her bottles now. She’ll get this face, and push the nipple out with her tongue or do a spectacular gag or pretend to be asleep and it makes me kind of feel like Aw mah baybee!!! but then it sucks too because she HATES her bottles.

I’m pumping once a day in the morning, getting anywhere from 3-10 oz depending on when she last nursed. I have to bring my hospital grade pump back, and will have to go back to my standard pump. Boo. I’m feeling weirdly nostalgic about this hospital pump as it saw me through the weeks of exclusive pumping. I sometimes look back to the NICU days and laugh to myself at how freaked out I was that Emelia would prefer a bottle to me since the girl wants to just nurse constantly now.

Emelia at 2 months


I’ve had a few nights with her where she’s up a lot, but overall, she’s going 3-3.5 hours of sleep. She’s still really grunty right before she falls asleep, but I think it’s getting less. I’ve been sitting up for at least one of the feedings in bed because it gets her to drink more before falling asleep versus laying down with her. She apparently just gets too comfortable with me.

She’s not on any sort of nap schedule, so she’s sleeping in my arms or her crib throughout the day. I wasn’t good about this with Olivia and I want Emelia to get used to sleeping in her crib. It helps (or doesn’t help?) that our hand-me-down swing, the same one Olivia used, finally kicked the bucket and died so we have no swing. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise because she won’t be reliant on the swinging motion for her naps like I had to break Olivia of.

Emelia at 2 months


She’s officially smiling for real. It’s one of my favorite baby milestones. She smiled at me for the first time December 4th when I was holding her and then on the 6th (her official 2 month birthday) she smiled up a storm for Chris and Olivia and life is pretty much awesome right now.

She’s also been cooing and making noises that aren’t her usual baby grunts and turning her head when we talk to her. Being 5 weeks early, she still acts very much like a four week old with how much she sleeps, so these little milestones mean so much.

She does great on tummy time (until she’s had it and it’s game over) and is lifting her head and turning it from side to side.

Emelia at 2 months


We’re still dealing with reflux, but I think it’s been a bit better since starting the probiotics and chiropractor visits. She’s unloaded her entire stomach twice on me last week which was fun. So time will tell. We have gas drops, but haven’t really used them even though she continues to be gassy. It seems to have lessened a bit.

At her two month check, her pediatrician gave me a referral to the Children’s vascular anomalies clinic for her hemangiomas. We counted 10 0r 11 of them at her appointment and she’s concerned some may be possibly growing on her organs. I haven’t been called to schedule yet, but she wants to do an ultrasound if I can’t get into the clinic for a month. I was invited to join a FB support group by another H mama, but I don’t want to think too much about all this until I have to because there are so many ways this could all go.

She also has a touch of torticollis on her left side. It’s not as bad as Olivia’s was, but she favors her left side and I’ve been trying to get her to turn her head the other way when I can. The chiropractor seems to be helping so far, and the pediatrician is willing to let me do chiro versus sending her to physical therapy. We were able to do this with Olivia, so I’m hoping it’s the case with Emelia too.

Emelia at 2 months


Looking at lights, especially the dimmed overhead light in our bedroom at night and Christmas lights. Nursing. Looking at Toby or her sister. Her glowworm and bouncer when it’s making music and lighting up. Her hands. Baths with Mama. Her Boppy ComfyFit carrier when she’s not trying to nurse. Skin-to-skin.

Emelia at 2 months


Being hungry. Her car seat, but luckily, it’s not for every ride. It’s when she’s hungry or has been in there for a while that she gets angry. Basically being hungry.

Emelia at 2 months

Undecided about

Tummy time. Being swaddled. Pacifiers.

Emelia at 2 months

Looking forward to

Her smiling and interacting with us more. Having her sit in her high chair reclined at the table with us for meals (baby-led weaning—we’re getting ready for you!) And CHRISTMAS! This baby has presents, a Christmas outfit, and we are set to enjoy a Christmas with another miracle baby.

Emelia at 2 months

Past monthly updates

One month


  1. December 10, 2019 / 1:46 pm

    “Life is pretty much awesome right now.” Yes! Christmas blessings to you all, this update is just so wonderful. Worth the wait indeed x

    • Risa
      December 11, 2019 / 9:05 am

      Thank you Jen! You too!

  2. rose
    December 10, 2019 / 3:47 pm

    She looks perfectly wonderful and is clearly growing and developing well. Crossing my fingers for you all re the hemangiomas being of the type that disappear on their own. I have known premies with MUCH bigger and more prominent ones that did just that before age 5. What an absolute miracle she is … like her sister! Two wonderful girls!!! Thank you for sharing them with us. Joyous and healthy holidays and a new year filled with joy and good health!

    • Risa
      December 11, 2019 / 9:04 am

      Thank you, Rose! You as well!

    • Risa
      December 16, 2019 / 4:33 pm

      Thank you!

  3. Stephanie
    December 11, 2019 / 8:39 pm

    What a cutie pie!! If you already know about this I apologize, but you could check out Early Intervention in your state and ask for an evaluation. If she qualifies (for the torticollis, plus being a preemie) PT would come right to your house to provide the services and it’s completely free! My son has been in EI for a year and a half now and they’re amazing. They also offer things like music classes and art classes and playgroups that are completely free for kids in EI and once you qualify you qualify for an entire year. It’s an amazing resource!

    • Risa
      December 16, 2019 / 4:33 pm

      Thank you so much for this! I never even thought about this, though I wonder how “bad” her torticollis has to be for her to qualify for it. It’s worth checking into because my insurance could be giving up some trouble with her coverage in the new year. It really is an amazing resource. Olivia didn’t qualify, but they came out to assess her in the past and they were wonderful!

  4. December 16, 2019 / 10:15 am

    Awww she is adorable and can see the resemblance with Olivia! Sounds like things are going well. Enjoy those baby snuggles.

    • Risa
      December 16, 2019 / 4:28 pm

      Thank you!

  5. January 7, 2020 / 1:10 am

    She look so much like her big sister! Absolutely adorable.

    • Risa
      January 7, 2020 / 7:32 pm

      She really does. 🙂

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