26 weeks with Emelia: It’s time for more ultrasounds, but at least I get to see how fluffy her cheeks get

I got to see Queso again because I needed a blood pressure check yesterday. My BP was 133/83, so it was slightly elevated even on my blood pressure meds, but the PA I saw in my doctor’s absence said it was OK. Baby was measuring a little over a week ahead and now weighs 2.8 pounds. She’s in the 70th percentile and man you guys, she’s cute. She has the fluffiest cheeks. Even when she looks sort of creepy in here.

26 weeks

Everything went great with the growth ultrasound and I’ll have another in two weeks when I see my doctor. They’re going to start doing biophysical profiles then, so yay me! Olivia’s pregnancy was full of appointments and ultrasounds, so Queso’s just following in her sister’s footsteps. Unfortunately, she’s frank breech, only her head is on the left side instead of the right like Olivia’s was, so let’s hope she doesn’t prefer that spot and stay there like Olivia. But oh, she was so sweet. I saw her perfect little profile, her tiny mouth opening and closing, and her tiny fist. She had her legs straight out and was spreading her toes for us.

26 weeks

It’s hard, wanting time to slow down, so I can stay pregnant a little longer and wanting to hurry this up.

I want to hold her and yet keep her inside so I can keep feeling these baby kicks.

I want to see what she looks like and yet cherish this pregnancy because I won’t have it again.

26 weeks

My glucose test was also done at this appointment, and it was at least nice I could drink it in the car on the way there, instead of the lab tech staring me down with her kitchen timer like I had with Olivia. I haven’t gotten the results back yet, even though they said they’d call me today.

Queso has been moving a ton the last few days. Like, wild and crazy and bopping my stomach all over the place. Heartburn continues to be atrocious, and I am debating going back on the daily reflux meds. The sciatica hasn’t been too bad, luckily.

I got a ton of things at the kids consignment sale yesterday. I got a bouncer, a push walker (for $3!), a Sit Me Up, crib sheets, wipes, some swaddle blankets, and diaper bag and a ton of other stuff. I also found a giant pop up tent for Olivia’s room for her birthday and some winter gear. It’s crazy buying things now for two kids. That kind of blows my mind.

26 weeks

I could stare at these photos all day. It sucks being so heavily monitored again for this pregnancy, but that means more ultrasounds and therefore more times I get to see my baby.

We’re hoping to paint her room this weekend and then the next step is putting the crib together. Pray for us.


  1. Stephanie
    August 9, 2019 / 3:14 pm

    Ok those cheeks!!!! How will you ever stop yourself from just squishing them all day?! Glad to hear everything is going well. Fingers crossed for you that she flips. My little one has been transverse for awhile now and at 37 weeks has not flipped yet. I’ve tried everything and we’re doing an ECV next week. Little stinkers like to do what they want!!

    • Risa
      August 12, 2019 / 4:58 pm

      I’m not sure. I did a lot of cheek squishing with Olivia and now she’s all put off when I try to do it now. 😉 And yes, they totally do what they want to do. Best of luck to you, friend.

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