10 Weeks with Emelia: Still nauseous. Bring nachos.

Ah week 10. My nausea is just as bad as it was last week. If you think I’m complaining a lot, you’re right. The gagging has set in full force. I do these huge gags every once in a while and have to stand or sit absolutely still to settle my stomach. It sucks. Food aversions galore. Sense of smell at max levels, and the entire kitchen is a deathtrap of horrible scents. Which make me gag a lot. The acupuncture I’ve been getting done weekly has only done so much. In fact, it only gave me a few hours of relief this week even though she did a whole bunch of needley things to my diaphragm in hopes of calming my overly sensitive muscle spasms that make me gag. No go. These last two weeks have been as bad as with my pregnancy with Olivia. I’m sucking on B6 suckers and gingers chews and taking Unisom at night. I’m trying to avoid taking yet another pill, so I hope this tapers soon and I don’t have to go on B6 supplements.

The nights have been going pretty good. I haven’t had any restless legs since starting magnesium, and I’m only up once at night to pee. I decided to forgo the Snoogle this time around and save some money with using my body pillow that’s been sitting downstairs on the guest bed. So far so good.

I went to a consignment sale over the weekend with my mom and actually bought some stuff for this baby. A Boppy with some covers, neutral Aden and Anais muslin blankets, a lightweight sleep sack, a baby sling that I don’t have a clue how to use. Two maternity tops. Maybe I’m crazy, or maybe I’m feeling confident. I don’t know. These two pregnancies are so different. With Olivia, I was terrified of losing her the entire first trimester. Here I am, three weeks out from my second tri and feeling… good? It’s a strange feeling.

10 weeks

On the baby front, all is well. Of course it is, because someone has to be making me feel like crap and it’s not just me. It’s this wee baby growing inside me who, according to my Bump app is the size of a strawberry. Fingernails and hair are starting to appear. Queso’s heart rate was 167, and measuring right on schedule at 1.4 inches. We even have a video of Queso hiccuping and waving. Happy as a clam. Doesn’t give a shit that I feel like death. Trying out his new arms and legs.

10 weeks

My RE is starting the weaning process for my progesterone and estrogen. He wants me to stay on the Lovenox for 12 weeks, but confirmed he wants to leave it up to the discretion of my OB. Since I’m not seeing one until almost 13 weeks AND it’s not even my regular OB… this sucks. Best not to think about it.

The food of the week is nachos. Tortilla chips with melted Monterey Jack and dipped in salsa. All the time. In fact, I’m going to go make that now.

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