6w4d with Emelia: We have a heartbeat and mine can’t stop pounding

I’m still here. Or rather, Queso is still here. I only had to wait six days for my next ultrasound, but it seemed like a lifetime. Seriously, this was the longest wait ever. Ever.

Ever, OK?

I had therapy the Monday before and acupuncture on Tuesday, the day before my ultrasound and those definitely helped keep my sanity in check. For the most part. I was alternating between feeling good about it, and having a sense of dread that this wasn’t going to be good news on that Wednesday.

I think the anticipation of a heartbeat is close to the stress of waiting to find out if you’re pregnant in the first place. I mean, it’s a heartbeat, right? It’s kind of a big deal.

So last Wednesday, Chris and I dropped Olivia off at daycare and drove to the satellite clinic. First, they took my blood pressure—lower than it was last week, but still hovering 130s/90s. Because I was SHITTING. A. BRICK. anddoesn’tanyoneunderstandthat????? I got my blood draw, and met with the nurse practitioner for my ultrasound. She came in and introduced herself and went to wash her hands.

“And how are you feeling?” she asked, her back to me.

“I’m freaking the fuck out,” I answered, only I didn’t say fuck because I have standards and need to reign this intense anxiety in every once in awhile.

She laughed, “Well that’s OK.” I guess she meant how I was doing physically. But who cares about heartburn and exhaustion and nausea when there’s a heartbeat to be heard?

Turns out, we’re good. We got a beautiful little blob in there happily beating away at 124bpm and everything is looking great.

6w4d Heartbeat

I thought I would cry, but I didn’t. I was just… relieved. Like a massive stone was removed from my chest. We had a heartbeat. Queso is still there. I need to stop freaking out before every ultrasound.

I’m still having symptoms, but they’re still a lot more subtle than with Olivia. Exhaustion is killer and I’m napping every afternoon (and sometimes morning when I can manage it. If I don’t have food in my stomach, I feel barfy, and I officially hate coffee, just like with Olivia, so we’re on the right track.

In other good news, my progesterone is finally cooperating with the addition of the vaginal progesterone suppositories, along with PIO shots. So we’re just keeping on keeping on and will have another ultrasound in a week!


  1. March 26, 2019 / 1:19 am

    Yaaayy!!! So glad to hear this update! Go Queso, go, keep growing in there! We have our second ultrasound ext Monday and I will definitely be freaking the fuck out beforehand! It IS a huge deal.

    • Risa
      March 27, 2019 / 10:11 am

      It’s a HUGE deal!!!!!! I’ll be thinking about you!

  2. March 26, 2019 / 1:43 am

    I have been thinking of you this week, so glad to hear this wonderful news.

    A nurse once took my blood pressure in a fertility clinic and said, “It’s kind of high, but we know why don’t we?” with a big reassuring grin. I gave her a weak smile back and thought, “Then why take it?!”

    • Risa
      March 27, 2019 / 10:10 am

      Ha ha!!!! It’s so true!

  3. Beth
    March 26, 2019 / 5:35 am

    Go, Queso, go!!!! So very happy to read this update.

    My bp was always high before ultrasounds or Doppler heartbeat checks. I picked my favorite nurses and doctors based on how they reacted – lecture me or tell me they understood.

    • Risa
      March 27, 2019 / 10:10 am

      And it’s always been fine when I go to regular doctor appointments, but of course, it’s never going to be decent here for OB appointments. So annoying.

  4. Amie
    March 26, 2019 / 7:56 am

    I was wondering if this babe was going to go by chips or queso..haha This is wonderful news!!

    • Risa
      March 27, 2019 / 10:09 am

      Lol! I figured Queso sounds better than Chips alone, so Queso it is!

  5. Susan
    March 26, 2019 / 3:48 pm

    Yay, Queso! Keep on doing what you’re doing!

  6. March 27, 2019 / 1:15 pm

    Whoo-hoo! Way to go, Queso!

    • Risa
      April 25, 2019 / 7:50 pm

      I mean, Queso is seriously a tough baby.

    • Risa
      April 25, 2019 / 7:50 pm

      Right??? Best feeling ever!

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