Bed Rest With Chips And Queso

Ah bed rest. I know I don’t need to be flat on my back for three days straight (which I only did the first time in Houston, with my transfer right before Olivia), but it’s kind of nice just hanging out and eating good food and rotating between HGTV and Food Network.

Thursday // Post-transfer

On the day of the transfer, we had gotten lunch at Torchy’s (second best queso I’ve had compared to Liberty’s!) and we skyped with Olivia and my parents later that afternoon after nap. My mom said she’s been doing so good. She gave us this huge smile when we logged on and then proceeded to show us every single toy she’s been playing with for the last two days.

I miss her, and at the same time, it’s nice not to have to take care of anyone and I can focus on myself. I need this time, you know what I mean? Still, that face. I can’t wait to see her again. You want positive energy, you spend some time with this girl.

I listened to my hypnosis tape on my phone that my infertility therapist had made for me with my October transfer. I didn’t do a good job at remembering to do it last time, but this time I listened to it the night before transfer—which I had promptly fallen asleep five minutes into, but at least my subconscious heard it? Then I listened to it again after I came from the transfer and promptly fell asleep a few minutes into it. I listened to it again that night, but this time (of course when it would have been great if I had fallen asleep for the night) I didn’t fall asleep. It really calms me though.

According to my acupuncturist (Yes, I’ve been doing acupuncture!) I was supposed to keep my feet and abdomen warm, so I had fuzzy socks and lay under the covers most of the day.

Chris napped. I cat-napped and watched TV, going through some work emails that needed to be addressed.

It’s been pretty low key around here. I was still so emotional that afternoon after the bad transfer experience, that I really didn’t want to talk about it with Chris. Even texting C was making me cry. Mostly, I tried to shove it out of my head and focus on my babies.

Their names are Chips and Queso, as C had heard so many stories of my love for them that she suggested why don’t I just freaking name the embryos that? So I did. Want to see them again?

I love how Chips is hatching. Queso looks like he wants to bust out too, and for that, I’m so grateful.

We were able to switch my progesterone shot timing from the morning to the evening, but that meant I needed an extra shot tonight. And then I needed to do my Lovenox injection. It’s just been wild around here.

Friday // 1DPT

Today, after some breakfast in the hotel room, I Ubered over to the acupuncture clinic only a few minutes down the road for a session post-transfer. I’m so glad I did. As I lay there, I envisioned my babies burrowing in to stay and all the fantastic blood flow that was going to my uterus. Which would all sound super creepy to anyone who isn’t infertile, but yes, I’m feeling super positive about this cycle. This is going to work. I refuse to believe otherwise.

We ate some Chinese food down in the hotel lobby for lunch, and I wrote my transfer update while we were having our room cleaned.

Then we sat around again until dinner. I feel like so much of my time is spent waiting for the next meal. But tonight we delivered in Wingstop and that was pretty much amazing too.

When I get home, I’m really going to need to start eating better. Just a mental note.

Symptom-wise, I think I’m feeling some slight cramps. Like, when I’m about to get my period. And maybe some weird pelvic pulling/achiness. But very subtle. Some—very subtle—twinges. I really hope they like my uterus. I worked my ass off to grow it for them.

Saturday // 2dpt

Very very early, we flew back. Like, we had to be at the airport at 5:30 and I gave up coffee for this transfer. It’s technically my third day of bed rest, but I figured I’d take it pretty easy after I got home. Our flight went off without a hitch and we flew away from the 70° heat back to the tundra, but the tundra contains my Ollie and I was so looking forward to seeing her.

The girl never left my side for the rest of the day. Save for the nap we both took because whew, I needed sleep.

She even gave me a foot massage while I was hanging out on the couch.

I still have some really mild cramping off and on, and have some twinges and pulls. And this morning while still in the hotel, I woke up several times drenched in sweat and of course it was like, what the heck? I thought I wasn’t supposed to be doing this anymore? So I’m not sure what that’s all about.

The two-week wait has officially begun, friends.


  1. February 25, 2019 / 9:45 am

    I feel so good about this for you!! I mean with names like chips and queso how can it not work!! Maybe one will split and you will get Margarita!! haha Sorry couldn’t resist 🙂

    • Risa
      February 27, 2019 / 12:18 pm

      Bah ha ha! Genius!

  2. February 25, 2019 / 6:57 pm

    Those are some good looking embryos there! I hope they are settling in and getting nice and comfy.

    • Risa
      February 27, 2019 / 12:17 pm

      Ahhh thank you!!! I haven’t looked at them since the day of my transfer. They’re still in my discharge folder. I really should pull them out and put them next to my bed.

  3. Yvette
    February 28, 2019 / 5:42 am

    Hello Risa! I just read your wonderful article on what to expect when you’re expecting and I just had to read your blog. I love your writing, it’s so candid, heartwarming and funny all at the same time. Thank you so much for shedding light on this topic. Reading your article and your latest blog post has given me much needed insight in to what you and countless others experience. Keep on writing and sharing because I can see that your writing makes a difference❤️
    Also, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So happy for you and your growing family❤️

    • Risa
      March 3, 2019 / 9:32 pm

      Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Yvette!

  4. March 2, 2019 / 11:54 pm

    Sending you so many good thoughts for the wait! Go Chips and Queso, go! You can do it! I’m so sorry about the painful transfer. I can relate from previous experiences. Argh. You were brave.

    • Risa
      March 3, 2019 / 9:34 pm

      Thank you Kristina!

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