Young and Wild and THREE! (Olivia’s birthday party)

Olivia turns three

I think I’m getting better at this whole throwing a birthday party thing. We had 20 people gather in our house to celebrate this peanut again with taco salads and Costco cake and it was pretty much perfect, except that I wish I would have gotten more photos. Do you know how hard it is to tend to five little darlings under the age of five to make sure they have amazing taco salads and places to sit and juice poured in cups so as not to be squeezed everywhere from its original packaging?

Olivia turns three

Olivia turns three

These are photos with minus one because she’s 18 months and couldn’t sit at the kids’ table. And of course no one is looking, but such is life, and they all had fun.

Olivia turns three

Olivia was so excited to have a PJ Masks birthday party, and so I went out and bought all the overpriced things that had PJ Masks on them because mah baybee is three and I can’t handle it. It was totally worth it though to see her face when she saw her decorations. Her cake ended up being pretty simple. I was going to originally do cupcakes with green, red, and blue frosting and PJ Masks toppers, but then that turned into making a cake, so I bought these candle figurines with the characters on them. But then I got even lazier as the day approached and we wound up ordering a cake from Costco like we did for her first and second birthdays, and since Costco cake is Life, I think it turned out OK, even if there was a lot of white space on the cake.

She did great opening her presents and saying thank you to everyone. She even made sure to dig around the gift bags to look for the card before opening the gift.

Olivia turns three

She got this fishing game from one of her aunties and we tried it out the next morning. She was equally as terrible as I was.

Olivia turns three

If I had to guess, I’d say she was getting a talking to for running around the house screeching like a crazy person. Whew. Girl has some energy. 

Olivia turns three

She ended up crashing for two and a half hours after everyone left, so it was definitely a success. The next morning, on her actual birthday, we made eggs and orange rolls.

Olivia turns three

It was a pretty low key day. She opened our gifts from us in the morning and then Chris and I rotated our time between building things with her new magnetic tiles and cleaning up the house from her party.

Olivia turns three

I got her a bunch of these Squinky things and Shopkins at the consignment sale awhile back because she has been into playing with toys that have small pieces. Plus, I figured, I had no idea what the fuck they are, but it’s totally something I would have liked to play with when I was little, so you can’t go wrong with that. She ended up loving them.

Olivia turns three

Same with this PJ Masks shaving kit. Because you guys, the girl version was Minnie Mouse with bath crayons and bows and this was so much cooler.

“I take a bath and shave my beard?” She peered up at me while I was opening the box. Knock yourself out, kid. In fact, she tried it out last night and according to Chris, it was a success. He even showed her how Mama shaves her legs, and these got around those tough spots like a champ.

I also found her an Anna dress, again, from the consignment sale. I guess I have to enjoy these years of her being perfectly happy with new-to-her things because it’s SO much cheaper, you guys.

Olivia turns three

She took another long 2.5 hour nap and then we went grocery shopping and had leftovers and I felt a little bad I didn’t make her birthday more magical, but I feel like with the party the day before, we just celebrated early. Even the morning of her party had me all weepy and nostalgic. Another year has passed with this beautiful little miracle and it’s going by too fast. Even singing “Happy Birthday” to her continues to be surreal. Like, I really have a three-year-old who’s blowing out her candles (sort of) and opening gifts and saying “thank you”? How did this happen for us? I don’t know, but next year we may be having taco salads again, because that was the easiest party lunch I’ve ever done.


  1. November 20, 2018 / 2:07 pm

    Happy birthday, Miss Olivia! Looks like a wonderful time was had by all : )

    • Risa
      December 4, 2018 / 12:00 pm

      Thank you!!

  2. November 20, 2018 / 3:19 pm

    How is Olivia three?!?! Oh my goodness, what a lovely young lady she is becoming. So glad you all had a great 3rd birthday celebration. Happy Birthday Olivi!

    • Risa
      December 4, 2018 / 12:00 pm

      Gah! She needs to stop growing. Thank you!

  3. Beth
    November 20, 2018 / 3:52 pm

    Happy birthday, Olivia! I always tear up singing Happy Birthday to my girls because ohmygosh how did another year go by and how lucky am I to have these miracles and I almost missed all of these moments. Whew – birthdays are emotional land mines.

    Ps – squinkies are really fun and we often buy the “boy” toys because they can be so much cooler!

    • Risa
      December 4, 2018 / 11:59 am

      Yes!!!! That’s exactly it! And she’s been loving her Squinkies. And I was an idiot and bought her more off a FB site. What is wrong with me? Now she has like a hundred of them and I drive myself crazy trying to keep them together.

  4. Amie
    November 20, 2018 / 4:42 pm

    Happy birthday to Olivia!!! How is it that we have 3 year olds??? nuts!

    • Risa
      December 4, 2018 / 11:57 am

      I have no idea!!!!!! And thank you!

  5. Lizzy
    November 21, 2018 / 7:03 am

    Happy birthday to Olivia! Her personality really shines through in these pictures. She seems like such s great kid.

    • Risa
      December 4, 2018 / 11:57 am

      Thanks girl! She’s a great kid. She makes me laugh. Sometimes she makes me pull my head out. It kind of all evens out.

  6. November 21, 2018 / 9:20 am

    She looks fabulous in that first picture! Looks fun…can’t believe she is three already!

    • Risa
      December 4, 2018 / 11:55 am

      Ha ha! It’s not often I can capture her face on before she turns her head away from the camera. 😉

  7. November 28, 2018 / 12:01 pm

    I can’t bieve our babies are three now. Her party seems easy and so much fun! I never would have ever thought to serve taco salad, that is such an awesome idea! And pretty easy.

    • Risa
      December 4, 2018 / 10:00 am

      Ha! I got the idea when my sister did it for my nephew’s party. I was going to make Chris’s mom’s famous lasagna recipe but this was SO much easier!

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