
Let me tell you, Olivia’s first Easter was pretty fun. She had the cutest dress and matching headband and sort of had some interest in her Easter basket. Sort of.

This year was even better. We went to church for the Friday night Easter service and it was great because they had child care. So Sunday, the morning was ours. We ate the colored eggs I had dyed last night. We attempted the ninja turtle stickers for them but they weren’t sticking.



She discovered her Easter basket in her room after breakfast and her face was just the cutest. She especially loved her little windup chick that hopped around.

While she loved her bunny ears, they didn’t stay on long enough for any decent pictures.

Fortunately, she did give us an hour and 20 minute nap since we were going to my parents for Easter lunch at 1:00, when she’d normally go down for a nap. We had a few minutes for a Mama/Baby photo shoot, because seriously. Why am I not in any pictures with her?

We had ham, cheesy potatoes, carrots with brown sugar, salads, egg salad… Olivia sampled a bit of everything. She got another Easter basket from Grandma with a dress, a book, a new beach ball and gardening play shovels. Again, bunny ears weren’t staying on.

We got some photos outside as a family (again, we don’t have many of these) because the weather was gorgeous! Funny, my childhood home and I never thought to use the brick exterior as a backdrop. Pretty, isn’t it? Plus, Olivia pretty much took the cutest photo ever with one of her aunties.

She loved wandering around out in the front yard. I, of course, took advantage of this to get some pictures of her cheeks. I think they have their own shadows. I’m going to miss them.

And just like that, her second Easter is over. Why? Why must time move so fast? Also, why must she grow out of clothes like her Easter dress so fast?

But I suppose after Easter, there’s summer. And that means dresses and rompers and posting pictures of them on here for you.


  1. April 19, 2017 / 10:30 am

    Oh I love her face when she saw her basket and then looks back at you almost like ‘is that mine?’….so cute!! Yay for pictures with you and Olivia 🙂 We moms unite and demand more pictures! haha I didn’t even think of the bunny ears, I think Bowen would have totally worn them for a bit. Baby cheeks are the best!

    • Risa
      April 28, 2017 / 9:17 pm

      Yes! That’s exactly how it went too! 🙂

    • Risa
      April 28, 2017 / 9:17 pm

      Right??? 🙂

  2. April 19, 2017 / 2:02 pm

    Yeah, she needs to be wearing that purple dress every single day until she outgrows it! Well, she can alternate it with the lemon jammies. SO CUTE!!!!

    • Risa
      April 28, 2017 / 9:18 pm

      Every. Day. Well, that, and her jean jackets.. Because jean jackets.

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