“Right Now” January 2017

I got this idea from Loribeth over at The Road Less Travelled and I thought it would be fun to do too as a monthly post! So without further ado, here we go:

Reading:  The City Of Mirrors by Justin Cronin, the last book in the Passage trilogy. I loved rereading the first two books. He really knows how to make a zombie apocalypse believable.

Watching: Football. Shoot me. I’m still trying to convince Chris to let me watch The Purge: Election Year tonight, so… fingers crossed. (Note: I’m fully aware my fascination with poorly done horror movies.) You know what we watched Saturday night that didn’t totally suck? The Shallows. That one with the girl stranded just a few hundred yards from shore with a hungry shark trying to kill her the whole time? We actually liked it. The Purge? I’ll let you know. I’m not holding out hope. Edit: Chris nixed Election Year. We’re watching Money Monster. Probably a much better movie.

Listening: Ok, I’m finally joining the rest of you in the world that is the Podcast. Here I thought people were still buying albums off iTunes, but then I discovered you all were listening to podcasts. I’ve found some ones on writing: #amwriting, Grammar Girl, and The Writing Coach. I’ve also saved Serial, Stuff You Missed In History Class, Stuff You Should Know, and Welcome to Night Vale. So far, I’ve only had time for #amwriting, but if any of you have other suggestions for favorite podcasts, let me know!

Drinking: Water. I know, I know, I’m boring. But I am drinking it out of my new pink Yeti cup (after my Yeti giveaway, I couldn’t resist—I had to get one too. And it’s awesome, you guys. My water stays ice cold ALL DAY. Get one. Seriously. Actually you can get them off Ebay for about half the cost, which is what I did.

Eating: We had meatloaf and homemade sour cream and chive mashed potatoes for dinner, both from my Better Homes and Gardens cookbook. Amazing. I used my Instant Pot for cooking the potatoes and they turned out perfect. Olivia had a great time smearing her potatoes everywhere, but did humor me and took some bites of meatloaf. Then we had some leftover peach crisp with ice cream.

Wearing: Honestly? My “Mama needs a coffee” shirt and LuLaRoe leggings. But I’m still wearing a bra, so I still count that as a win.

Loving: Ok, being that I already said my Yeti cup, I’m going to go with the fact that Chris and I were able to get out on a walk with the dog and baby both Saturday and today. The forecast said it was supposed to be raining/sleeting all weekend, but it didn’t do any of that, and hit 40 degrees so it was awesome.

Anticipating: A busy week. Olivia has her last day of her baby ECFE Monday, Storytime Tuesday and we’re going to the Play Cafe Wednesday morning with one of my friends and her daughter. I have two articles due early this week, several more writing obligations to do.

Hoping: Olivia falls asleep soon. She’s been in this stage for the last three weeks almost where it takes her a helluva long time to go to sleep. It’s not like she’s wailing in there, but it sucks to see her so restless.

Following: Albeit reluctantly, the Presidential Inauguration. I hate politics, you guys. Facebook sucks right now.

Wondering: Why did I think it was a good idea to feed Olivia soup this week?

Trying: To fit in a date night with Chris before the month is over. Why is this month going by so fast?

Worrying: About money, what else? Worrying if I am good enough to pick up more freelance work, if I have the time to pick up more work.

Planning: Finishing up the giveaway by having everything shipped from my friend in Texas to my house and then shipped out to the winners.

Contemplating: What exactly I want to put in my weekly (or bi-monthly) e-letters. Since I don’t make money off my blog, or really sell anything… I’m trying to figure out what people would like to see from me. You know, besides my hilariousness and general brilliance. Join now and see what I come up with!

Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is? Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too.

You can find more of this week’s #MicroblogMondays posts by clicking here.


  1. jenni
    January 23, 2017 / 8:48 am

    I’m really digging “Beautiful Stories from Anonymous Strangers” right now. I also like “Anna Faris is Unqualified.” Apparently I have a thing for random people talking about their problems? 🙂

    • Risa
      January 23, 2017 / 10:30 pm

      I can’t fine the Beautiful Stories one on my app thing. Boo. But I subscribed to Anna Faris!

  2. January 23, 2017 / 7:42 pm

    Great update! Ew, football. I live in a thankfully football-free house. That sleet and snow is supposed to hit us tonight, but it looks like it’s all going south. Hmm, The Shallows, huh? I love a good shark scare. The Purge not so much. I hope everything comes together with the freelancing and articles and e-letters!

    • Risa
      January 23, 2017 / 10:31 pm

      Ha ha! It was good. The Shallows, not the Purge. In fact, Chris told me he refused to watch it, so there you go. Thanks, dear!

  3. January 24, 2017 / 1:15 pm

    Some of my favorite podcasts: This American Life, Hidden Brain, Criminal, Embedded, Invisibilia, and Limetown. 🙂

    • Risa
      January 25, 2017 / 8:05 pm

      Oooo thanks girl! I’m adding these!

  4. January 24, 2017 / 1:23 pm

    I’m so with you on poorly done horror movies. Love them.

    • Risa
      January 25, 2017 / 8:05 pm

      Ha ha! They’re just awful.

  5. January 24, 2017 / 2:03 pm

    Excellent idea for a post! We just had meatloaf last night too. Olivia looks like she thoroughly enjoyed the soup! 😀

    • Risa
      January 25, 2017 / 8:04 pm

      I know! Plus, it’ll be fun to look back on. And yes, she loved the soup. Too much.

  6. January 24, 2017 / 4:07 pm

    I love this Right Now idea! I may steal it…

    • Risa
      January 25, 2017 / 8:01 pm

      Yes! I need to pop on over to yours and check yours out!

  7. January 25, 2017 / 12:00 pm

    I’ve seen the movie The Shallows and thought it was awful! My son and I made fun of the vindictive shark, who seemed hell-bent on getting this poor girl. I think it would have been better had they not made the shark seem so one-track-minded and made it more about her psyching herself out after being attacked and watching the other surfers being attacked. My son also loves poorly done horror movies, so I’ve seen my fair share! Hope you get that date night with your hubby!

    • Risa
      January 25, 2017 / 8:01 pm

      Ok, I have to give you that. Through the whole movie I kept asking Chris, “What is WRONG with this shark?” Lol, but he had a good point: No crazy ass shark, no movie. Touche. And thank you. It’s not looking very good at this point for the date this month.

    • Risa
      January 25, 2017 / 8:00 pm

      Thank you!

  8. January 31, 2017 / 2:21 pm

    I haven’t gotten around to trying podcasts yet, but I’m curious to try those writing ones you mentioned!

    • Risa
      January 31, 2017 / 6:58 pm

      Check them out. I really haven’t gotten far on them (because I don’t have a lot of time to sit and listen being that I don’t commute anymore. We are heading to his parents in Iowa in spring and will binge on them then!

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