9 weeks with Emelia: Welcome to fetus-hood, widdle baby!

Queso has officially graduated from embryo to fetus.

I. Have a fetus. How is that possible? Well if you ask my nausea and pregnancy constipation they would tell you I’m the last to get the memo.

So physically, it’s been a trip this week.

Nausea — Bad. Eating lots of carbs. All the carbs all day, every day. And cheese. All the cheese. Like this pretzel and cheese, which I had two of in one sitting.

9 weeks

The exhaustion has been the worst first getting up in the morning and then in the afternoons. The nausea makes it worse.

I felt my first round ligament pain this week. Apparently with Olivia that happened more at 13 weeks, so I wasn’t expecting it to happen. I was also having some pretty intense period-like cramps, which of course unnerved me, but looking back with Olivia, I had that too. It’s funny the things you forget.

With the cramping, I started also developing some spotting Friday. Not much, just a little when I wiped, but of course with the cramps, I felt that familiar sense of dread. I called the triage nurse at my OB clinic and she said with my US I just had two days ago, they wouldn’t do another one. She said it could have been due to a variety of things, but I should take it easy until it goes away.

I also felt my first low backache from my growing uterus (apparently, it’s doubled in size according to my Bump app) and planned on doing some stretching, but was too paranoid with the spotting.

So. I feel like I bit of a mess.

The appointment went well! Baby is measuring only 2 days behind and his or her little heart is happily beating at 163bpm. The best part is we got to see Queso wiggling around on the US. I can’t get enough of that, you guys.

9 weeks

I also had my OB nurse visit Monday. Got my book of Pregnancy Things, peed in a cup, gave some blood, went over all the things I’m allowed and not allowed to do.

I also bought a baby blanket. It’s the first purchase over $5 I’ve made for this baby and it freaks me out. But it’s a super soft blanket and it has elephants on it. So sfi;jtiiuvnr;tgkngtiwebf! Screw the doubts. This baby will be wrapped in this by Thanksgiving.

9 weeks

Olivia is loving the fact that she’s going to be a “BIG SISTER!!” We showed her the video of the baby wiggling around but her attention span lasted about 3 seconds before she was on to something else. But the weather here? She’s a fan of that.

9 weeks


  1. April 17, 2019 / 9:59 am

    Oh, the spotting and the cramps…they’re such a mind-f**k! If it eases your mind at all, I had that with both of mine; worse with the second, for some reason. Take comfort in the exhaustion and nausea. (Ha ha, right?)

    I hope it stops for you soon and you can breathe a little easier. *hugs*

    P.S. I’m drooling over that pretzel!

    • Risa
      April 25, 2019 / 7:40 pm

      Yes, the pretzel was basic and amazing at the same time.

  2. April 17, 2019 / 10:58 am

    Yay, big sister! love the blanket. I had, and still can have, lower back pain from uterus growing. Do you have a retroverted uterus? I do/did (I also heard it can right itself in pregnancy) and apparently that can contribute to lower back pain.

    • Risa
      April 25, 2019 / 7:39 pm

      I do! It’s pretty wickedly tilted. I heard that too and yikes.

  3. April 20, 2019 / 7:18 am

    Congrats on fetushood! I love that picture of Olivia. And holy guacamole, I didn’t realize you could get such a detailed ultrasound so early! Crazy! I’m so glad things are marching along. I hope you don’t have any more of that scary spotting and cramping and there can be peace of mind, at least a little!

    • Risa
      April 25, 2019 / 7:38 pm

      I know, isn’t it crazy?

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