9 weeks with Olivia: Feeling like death, in all the best ways

Today I am 9 weeks, 4 days. Meaning no more of this embryo bullshit. We now have a real live fetus in there. With fingers and toes and eyes and no more of that creepy little tail. Goodbye tadpole, hello baby! My ten-week ultrasound is Friday and my mom is coming with Chris and me. Hopefully, we’ll see some baby moving action. And with ten weeks comes no more estrogen pills and patches!

Symptom-wise, besides for being so completely exhausted that I had to look up how to spell embryo and symptom on Dictionary.com, I’m sick off and on. Usually, I’m sick when I can’t be, like when I have to be somewhere, or someone is coming over. Normally, the nausea hits mid-morning and it leaves me looking for the nearest sink to hurl into. I’ve been using vitamin B suckers and ginger chews, but when the nausea gets really bad, nothing but sleep helps. So I’ve become a bit of a hermit holed up in the bedroom all day, but a) I don’t throw up and b) …I don’t throw up. I hate throwing up. I think it’s a phobia, so really, this whole pregnancy thing has been a lot of fun. A huge blessing. But…I hate throwing up. To be clear, I haven’t actually done it yet, but I spend 99% of my day fighting not to. 

Speaking of fun, I also didn’t realize how bad this whole food aversion/gagging at any and all smells thing could be.

Things I can eat:

  • bananas
  • Cream of Wheat
  • bread (any and all)
  • macaroni and cheese
  • crackers
  • orange juice/milk/ginger ale

Things that make me want to barf:

  • everything else
  • especially meat

Yes, no more meat. Chicken, beef…GAG GAG GAG

I don’t know what happened, but somewhere in the eighth week, my sweet little cupcake decided to let out her fangs at any thoughts of meat. I picture her like this:

9 weeks with Olivia: Feeling like death, in all the best ways

GAHHH! Feed me!! But don’t try to eat meat or I will eat your left ovary! Nom nom nom!

Am now declaring myself vegetarian. Carbs. All carbs, all the time.

Feel free to send me soft pretzels and Tums.


  1. May 12, 2015 / 8:10 pm

    May Friday be wonderful. And though I want to wish for the nausea to lift, I know it completely freak you out. So may it be tolerable.

  2. May 12, 2015 / 9:21 pm

    Oh man! Meat aversions are the worst. I couldn't even be in the kitchen when my husband was cooking it. I lived on ramen and spaghetti-o's for several weeks.

    I hope the morning sickness eases up soon!

  3. May 12, 2015 / 11:01 pm

    Yay for an ultrasound on friday! That's awesome your mom is going with you. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. As much as we all relish the experience, it's impossible to know how awful morning sickness really is until you're there. It's kind of bittersweet since it's for such a fantastic reason though!

  4. May 13, 2015 / 5:12 am

    Are you able to eat fish at all? or beans? I remember well being really sick throughout most of my pregnancy too.

  5. May 13, 2015 / 8:03 am

    I was SOOOO the same way with my oldest–NO MEAT ALLOWED! I would gag on the smallest bit of hamburger in my spaghetti sauce. I hope it passes for you!

  6. May 13, 2015 / 10:13 am

    I hate that you are feeling bad but I do that it is always encouraging at the same time. I can't wait to hear how your appointment goes!! I can't do eggs or sausage right now. Most everything else is ok. For sure all the bread I can eat!

  7. May 13, 2015 / 11:54 pm

    Funny picture and caption/commentary to go with it. But, sorry to hear it has been rough on you. Hope it gets better in time.

  8. May 19, 2015 / 8:02 pm

    I'm so sorry you're feeling sick, but also so glad you are at the same time :). Bagels were one of the only things I could eat. Embrace the carbs, mama!!

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