8 weeks with Emelia: I Need My Sleeps!

Eight weeks. Being eight weeks feels so…. officially pregnant.

We told Olivia she was going to be a big sister. I was so nervous to do it, and was actually planning on waiting as long as possible, but… this is my only chance to be able to share this with her. And if something were to happen, she can handle it. Probably way better than I would. So we did it and got it on video and it’s pretty much the best thing ever. She’s so excited.

Symptom-wise, I’m feeling a lot worse now, since about 7.5 weeks. Especially in the last week, the nausea has ramped up and a lot of the day is me walking around with my mouth clamped shut so I won’t gag. Throwing up even sounds appealing at times. I bought some ginger chews and B6 suckers and those seem to help take the edge off. I’m still doing weekly acupuncture and I think that’s helping a lot. I also have gone to the chiropractor twice now and both times, I actually feel pretty good the rest of the day. I’m still nauseous, but I feel like I can function a bit better. Otherwise, gag gag gag.

In other fun news, the food aversions have officially settled in. I thought I might have escaped this, but nope. Right now I can mostly tolerate pizza, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, bananas and crackers. Chicken and ground beef are disgusting. Get them away from me. All I eat is carbs. That’s it.

I have my OB nurse visit next week. It went much better than when I tried to schedule the one pregnant with Olivia. This scheduler didn’t question me with the IVF cycle and the transfer date as my due date. I’m seeing a new OB this time, not because I didn’t really like my old OB, but this clinic is only five minutes from my house. With Olivia, since I needed to be on blood pressure meds, I was in for twice weekly visits towards the end, and it’s just so much more convenient to do that here if need be. I’m hoping to see a doctor that one of my infertility friends saw.

Chris and I were able to get out on an overnight date night last weekend while Olivia stayed at my parents. I was still sick, but we had a lot of fun.

8 weeks

Wood-fire pizza is my jam, and this restaurant we tried didn’t disappoint.

8 weeks

We were able to take a 40 minute walk around the area, but then needed to go back home so I could do my shots. Since we were then back in the suburbs, we decided to head out for rolled ice cream which was also amazing.

8 weeks

Besides that, I’m sleeping as much as humanly possible. In fact, last Sunday when Olivia woke up from her nap early, I was able to convince her to come into the bedroom with me and snuggle. She fell back asleep for another hour and a half. You guys, sleep is so good. I just want to do it all the time.

8 weeks

OK, ultrasound time! Baby is looking good! Measuring 1.97 cm with a heart rate of 182.

8 weeks

Still a blob. Sometimes I miss being at my old fertility clinic with their state of the art ultrasound machines. But then the sonographer turned on the 4D US and showed us what this baby is really looking like.

8 weeks

I about died. I couldn’t believe the difference! Gah. My baby. This is all still so surreal.

My hormones are also doing great. My progesterone is now at 45 and estrogen is over 1400, so I think my body is starting to produce on its own which is a relief.

I’m hoping to start seeing some movement from this little peanut next week. We shall see!


  1. April 9, 2019 / 1:59 am

    I had a whole comment ready in my head, then I saw the 4D pic and all I have left is, “Wow!” Beautiful : )

    • Risa
      April 25, 2019 / 7:45 pm

      Ha ha!!! Thank you!

  2. Amie
    April 9, 2019 / 8:14 am

    What a beautiful sweet baby!!!

    • Risa
      April 25, 2019 / 7:44 pm

      Gah! Thank you!

  3. April 10, 2019 / 9:22 am

    OH MY! That 4-D image is amazing…SO very happy for you 🙂

    • Risa
      April 25, 2019 / 7:44 pm

      Isn’t it, though?? And thank you!

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