I had baby shower #2 this past weekend. It was so much fun and once again I was overwhelmed with gratitude.
My lovely aunties and sister were all kind enough to host this celebration of Seaweed. They threw a fantastic shower. The BFF. Because where I go, she goes. My great auntie Lil and my grandma My grandma made this beautiful corsage out of wee baby socks and baby trinkets. The cupcake cake! Read a book my mom gave me that she used to read to me when I was a baby.
One of the most precious gifts I received was this baby quilt from my mother-in-law. She is an incredibly talented quilter and Chris and I have a multitude of her quilts she has made us over the years. But by far, this one has been the most anticipated. She makes these for all the grandchildren and, well, obviously we were waiting years for the honor of receiving one. Baby Seaweed is going to love it.
We also got our Pack N Play, high chair, and crib mattress. We got a ton of diapers and wipes. Seaweed received some more adorable clothes. We are so blessed.
On the baby end, the ultrasound last Friday went well and she once again passed her biophysical profile. She was really REALLY active and we got a ton of pictures but most are doozies from her constant movement.
This is really the best one, with her hand and arm over her mouth. She yawned, she blinked. She still has a ton of hair.
At the weekly OB visit, she wasn’t quite as reactive with the non-stress test as the doctor wanted to see. There was a period where she was moving like crazy and her heart rate went up appropriately, but he wanted to see more of those periods. While she still was moving around a ton, the other periods showed her heart rate lower than what he wanted. Still, he said everything was fine and really she could have been moving off of the monitor during her periods of battiness. He wants to continue the weekly ultrasounds and NSTs and we’ll have a growth scan this Friday. Since she is still stubbornly sitting frank breech, he said it isn’t until 36 weeks that they would think about intervening. He said he could try to turn her, or she would come by C-section. And however she comes into this world is ok as long as she comes safely. But still…stubborn baybee needs to head south here soon.
My BP has been holding steady and my weight gain so far in this pregnancy has been 17 pounds and he said the average is 18 so I’m doing well there, which probably explains why after that appointment I came home and ate four frosted sugar cookies in one sitting.
Emotionally, I’m doing really well. The fears of something happening to her have not even come across my mind which has been a first this entire pregnancy.
Physically, the heartburn comes periodically. There are days when I am fine and some days where I swallow Tums like M&Ms. Keep in mind I’m already on twice a day extra strength Zantac.
Otherwise, the belly is getting bigger. And bigger. Sleep is still pretty good considering I get up two to three times a night to pee. I’ve been having a ZOMG amount of pain in my pelvis when I get up in the night as a result of loosened ligaments and a boulder baby slowly landing on my pelvic region and bladder when I sit up and attempt to walk to the bathroom. It can be bad. Like whimpering pathetically and limping bad. I have half a mind to wake Chris up from his peaceful slumber and make him walk me to the bathroom. Tune in next week to see if I actually do this.
Yay for another sweet shower!! Don't you find gifts like the quilt mean the most?! I mean it's especially made for your sweet girl and you just can't even top that :-). So now at 38 weeks my worry is currently that something will happen to me or the baby during delivery….oh my it's always something right?!
OMG! How is it that you are 33 weeks already! Double Yikes, only 8 weeks until Christmas!
Another wonderful update! The shower is lovely and it's clear all involved were filled with joy as they celebrated the pending arrival of Seaweed. What an adorable u/s photo too.
Glad you're doing well.
You are so beautiful!! I love your sweet bump. 33 weeks????? She is getting close!!
Great pics you have shared. Thanks.
This is my first visit to your blog. Well written. Wish you good luck. Keep in touch with us by sharing your pregnancy story.
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