33 weeks with Emelia: Nesting. Oh, the nesting!

Though I think I’ve been nesting for awhile now. This week was when I really felt the urge to Get All The Things Done. I got a bunch of baby clothes from two different sweet mamas and have been washing and folding tiny clothes. There were a bunch of clothes haphazardly around Queso’s nursery along with the toys I had already washed and were sitting in her crib. So the nesting. The organizing. The insaneness of it all.

So lots of nesting and the urge to Get All The Things Done. Which then, in turn, made me realize how much more there was to do. I started packing my hospital bag and made a list of the things I still needed to put in there. I made a list of things to pack in the diaper bag so it’s ready to go when we come home. I washed all of Olivia’s old baby equipment last night and need to wipe down the skeletons and put the covers all back on. Bouncers, the little bath, the car seat, the Sit Me Up even though she won’t be using it for a few months.

Because I need to Get All The Things Done.

And maybe I’m going a little crazy.

Good news is her nursery looks nice and clean now. Unlike the rest of my house.

My OB visit went well this week. My doctor had to go deliver a baby, so I ended up seeing his PA again. Which is fine, but I was planning on having this whole conversation on the induction process and how it exactly was going to work and I haven’t seen him in a few weeks. And now with his leave the first half of October I won’t see him until October 24th… two days before I turn 38 weeks. Oy. So I’m thinking I’m going to have to request a phone call with him or something the week before to discuss all this since I’m sure we’re going to want to get an induction date on the calendar. I was relieved to hear that he’s still in town and is still planning on attending births, so just in case the baby decides to make an early appearance (which WON’T happen because I’ve already had a talk with her) he’ll still be there for it. And I still am supposed to call him for any concerns after hours.

Queso got a 6/8 on her BPP because she was snoozing and didn’t do her third big movement on the US. I didn’t even get pictures this week or even really saw her face. I’m going through withdrawals already. But she’s still head down with her head turned to the right which the sonographer reassured me is quite normal for this time.

She did some good movements for the NST, but apparently not enough for what they were looking for. I had to eat my snack and chug my water to see if that would help and I’m sorry, but nothing makes you feel quite like a big fat hoss than when you’re sitting propped back with a bag of chips on your stomach and your shirt lifted up.

33 weeks

My blood pressure was radiant at 121/82 so I’m happy with that. I got my TDaP and things have been good with my blood sugars. Overall… a good appointment only I was there for two hours since someone needed her sleeps and we took the full half hour waiting for her to move. Still, as long as everything is looking good with her I’m OK. But the morning is definitely her more quiet time.

What’s going on with Queso

According to my app she’s about 17 inches long and will grow about half a pound a week. She closes her eyes while she sleeps and opens them while awake. She has her own immune system.

She can really get going and bop my stomach all over the place when she’s in full force. And then there are the times she’s sleeping and not moving and it’s so adorable I can’t stand it.

What’s going on with me

Insomnia and heartburn have taken over as the two most annoying symptoms. This week has been rough with sleep and I’m perpetually exhausted. And for two nights in a row, I actually woke up when I had acid come searing up my throat. Wowza. So combine that with being up to pee consistently now twice at night and nights are real fun around here.

I did figure out that by stealing Olivia’s old toddler pillow and propping it up under my stomach when I sleep at night has helped with the belly pain if I don’t want to sleep directly on my side. The round ligament pain is finally making a consistent appearance. I remember it being a lot worse with Olivia earlier on, but now it’s really been acting up. Sometimes I’ll get a sharp pain if I stand too quickly, making me double over, or it’s just an achiness, especially in the evening after I’ve been hauling around the baby all day. I’ve started wearing my support tank top, so we’ll see if that helps.

Thankfully, after two visits to the chiropractor, the pubic bone and pelvic pain have gotten better. I’m going weekly now for treatments to try to keep myself as aligned as possible. Still, I’ve developed quite the waddle and I’m trying to be more conscious about it when I walk and straighten up as much as I can.

We also got our maternity photos back and you guys, I can’t even deal. Photos to come later!

1st-trimester bump photos

2nd-trimester bump photos

3rd-trimester bump photos


  1. September 26, 2019 / 11:51 am

    Wow, so exciting! Getting the nursery sorted, ready to book induction, and maternity photos… please don’t make us wait too long to see them : )

  2. September 28, 2019 / 1:31 pm

    Sorry about the doctor being unavailable, that would definitely frustrate me too. I wish that I would have more of a nesting urge… I mean I guess I do but it’s not really to organize things it’s more to buy things and coordinate things getting done. It’s the lazy woman’s nesting LOL isn’t it frustrating when baby has been going crazy moving and then they decide to take a nap when you go into the doctor? I really don’t enjoy NSTs for some reason. Sitting there in one place for so long is hard and our belts are these flimsy rubber things – much worse than what you get it looks like – so they kind of slip around. I hear you on the insomnia and I’m sending good thoughts that it will mellow out for you. My doctor said I could take Prilosec so that has helped me a lot. I have turned a corner it feels like and I’m on the homestretch – you’re not far behind, hang in there!

  3. Amy
    October 14, 2019 / 5:14 pm

    I’ve been follinog you for awhile and enjoy your weekly updates. Haven’t heard from you in awhile and I hope everything is ok.

  4. October 17, 2019 / 11:40 am

    I’m late to comment but by now you are even closer!! Can’t wait to see you soon Queso!

  5. Lisa from Australia
    October 17, 2019 / 9:27 pm

    It’s been a few weeks since you posted – hope things are ok!

  6. rose
    October 18, 2019 / 12:46 pm

    This was Sept 26. Now Oct 18. Not like you to go silent. Officially concerned; crossing fingers it was good event and you are being family of 4.

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