How would you have been a different parent?

This post is part of the 30 Day Infertility Blogging Challenge. I thought this might be a great way for me to focus on my infertility, but also to show myself in a different light. You can read the whole series by clicking here.

How would you have been a different parent?

7. If you had gotten pregnant that first month you started trying, how would you have been a different parent? What changes have you made to your parenting style (either current or future) in the time you spent trying to conceive?

I definitely would not have appreciated my child as I would now.  I would have loved him or her to the moon and back, but would not have felt that appreciation that has been there now for the last three and a half years.

My parenting style will be different now.  I know that having a newborn will be tough.  I will be sleep-deprived and my house will be a mess.  But when I wake in the middle of the night to feed my baby, I will remember all I have gone through.  When I am changing countless diapers and washing just as many bibs and onesies, I will be smiling.  To many, a baby comes as a surprise.  To me, a baby is an ultimate gift that I have been waiting, paying, and popping pills for.  

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