Have I done something non-traditional in TTC?

This post is part of the 30 Day Infertility Blogging Challenge. I thought this might be a great way for me to focus on my infertility, but also to show myself in a different light. You can read the whole series by clicking here.

Have I done something non-traditional in TTC?

28.  Have you ever done something “non-traditional” in order to help you conceive?

Non-traditional methods.  What does this even mean?  Well, shooting myself up with hCG in the bathroom was pretty non-traditional.  And our eventual IUI is probably pretty “weird.”  But when we were trying on our own?  Nah.  I mean, there was the usual ovulation predictor kits, sex calendars.  There were suggestions for getting drunk, and doggie-style and legs in the air, or elevating my hips afterward… but nothing goofy.  I’ve heard some pretty disgusting things like putting egg whites in your vagina.  Um, that’s gross.  If you were ever going to suggest that to me, stop talking to me right now.

I mean, we never even had sex in a weird place while I was ovulating.  Am boring.  I’m not ready to go gluten-free because I love me some gluten.  So, no.  I can’t say I ever have.

Beta is scheduled for Monday.  Don’t hold your breath.  I’m not.


  1. January 5, 2013 / 10:17 am

    Even after reading about constipation earlier this week, the egg whites in the vagina is even more disgusting! I really hope there aren't lots of people that do that…

    Fingers crossed for Monday!

  2. January 5, 2013 / 10:39 am

    Ha ha ha yep!

    And thanks 🙂

  3. January 5, 2013 / 12:07 pm

    Haven't tried the egg white thing because it sounds gross…but we do use pre-seed. And I've tried Instead cups after BDing (gross, I don't know how people use them for menstruation)…and I've taken homeopathic remedies….and I've drank fertility tea…and now I am trying going gluten-free. Damn, this is EXHAUSTING. For those that have gotten pregnant on their own and say pregnancy is magic…they have no idea what it is like for the rest of us!

  4. Anonymous
    January 5, 2013 / 3:48 pm

    Stay positive. Think happy good thoughts. Love from your Obnoxiously Positive Mother (OPM). You may want to add that one to your abbreviations. 🙂

  5. January 6, 2013 / 10:56 am

    Egg whites in the vagina????? Whaaaaaat? Why? Did they want the sperm coated in a layer of salmonella? Yuck!

  6. January 6, 2013 / 11:27 am

    i agree that egg whites are just gross. i did try acupuncture and mayan womb massage, but that as far as i went with non-traditional.
    fingers crossed for monday.

  7. January 6, 2013 / 7:25 pm

    I have heard of pre-seed, but don't know much about it. Makes me want to try it 😀

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