29 weeks with Emelia: Queso goes to the North Shore

This post coming to you from family vacation. Can I just say a family vacation is a lot harder when you’re rotund with child? Whew. Plus, I’m trying to eat better on this trip because I’m really starting to wonder if this pregnancy has made me glucose intolerant. We had gotten fast food the evening before we left and even after taking a walk, my glucose was still 141 an hour later. Not good. I’m resigning myself to the fact that I’m probably dealing with some gestational diabetes. Awesome. SO. I’ve been watching my diet but low carb meals and snacks just don’t keep me full so I’ve spent the whole day eating a meal, getting full, and then becoming hangry two hours later, but we’re on vacation, so while I’ve packed some refrigerated snacks, it’s not easy and then I get wicked heartburn and I’m starving. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Anyway, post about vacation coming soon, but we’re having fun. So is Queso. So much that her favorite thing is going complete breech and trouncing on my bladder, mostly when I’m walking so I think I’m going to pee.

29 weeks

Since I’m now doing weekly appointments with my OB, I was there again Monday for a check. It’s annoying driving a half hour for these visits, but oh, I love seeing this baby. During the US, she was even moving her little lips and practicing her breathing. And of course, I appreciate them giving photos week after week.

The crazy thing is, I see so much of Olivia in Queso. I found this US photo of Olivia at 30 weeks and compared them. The quality of Olivia’s was obviously much better, but… they’re totally siblings.

She passed her biophysical profile again and looks great. The only thing that could potentially be a concern is my amniotic fluid level. I’m on the upper limits of normal at 23cm and they want it under 25. The PA explained that they’re more concerned when the fluid levels are low, but this also means there’s more room for Queso to move around, which means she might not do her job and go head down when it’s time to come out. This could possibly be contributing to how rotund I’ve felt this pregnancy.

I’m trying to take this with a grain of salt. I know a lot can happen in the next weeks. But it just feels like another ding on my plans for a VBAC. And of course, now I’m second-guessing all the work I’m doing with the chiropractor and acupuncture and soon-to-be spinning babies techniques to get her to turn, because what’s the point if she’s just going to roll right back around?

I don’t know. Each week that goes by, there just seems to be more and more piling up of things going wrong. Queso herself is perfectly healthy. Her development is great. Which of course is the most important thing. But wow. It’s fighting an uphill battle with my body more and more lately. And considering I just really wanted this birth to be a healing experience for me, it’s been hard to let go and take what comes. I’m working on it though.

What’s going on with Queso

Her scan showed she’s about 3 lbs 10 oz, measuring 5 days ahead and is in the 74th percentile. Her heart rate was 140 bpm. According to my app she’s growing white fat deposits (so those cheeks should get even more luscious). She can smile (although you’d never know it from her mug shots) and I’ve felt her hiccuping a few more times.

She’s still frank breech with her feet crossed up by her face, but lying diagonally across me with her head on my right side. So no plans to head south anytime soon.

What’s going on with me

I’ve had two lightheaded spells this week since increasing the blood pressure meds. Both times I’ve felt like I needed to sit down ASAP or I’d pass out. My blood sugar and blood pressure were fine (this was before my higher reading Tuesday night after the fast food), so my doctor’s PA wasn’t sure what was going on. I assumed it was due to the increased meds, but she didn’t think so.

Otherwise, my heartburn isn’t too bad, but I’ve noticed I’m sleeping a little worse lately. I feel like I get insomnia somewhere between 2 and 5:00 and it will hang around for a while until I finally fall back asleep.

I started the online Hypnobabies classes last Monday and they come with daily hypnosis tracks. There’s also a Joyful Pregnancy Affirmations I listen to every day and that’s been helping with trying to keep the positivity in this pregnancy, especially as I’m dealing with all the health problems that have cropped up. I think it will be good for me regardless if I get to push this baby out my vagina or not.

1st-trimester bump photos

2nd-trimester bump photos

3rd-trimester bump photos


  1. August 29, 2019 / 11:51 am

    So glad Queso is doing well! Sorry it’s not so fun for you!
    I know you know this, but seriously, if you think you have GD Please, please see a prenatal nutritionist. GD can be so dangerous for the baby, and you, but if you get it under control it can be fine. I had it with my 4th baby and once I learned how to eat to stay full and keep my numbers in check, it was great and I wasn’t hungry. It might seem like just going low-carb works, but it’s actually pretty different than the low-carb diets we are used to hearing about, and there are ways to eat your meals so you don’t feel hungry while also eating more carbs than you think you can. Cause if you have it and it’s not controlled well then baby can be born with sugar issues and it really screws up having those first hours and days be about bonding and more about glucose levels, ect.

  2. rose
    August 30, 2019 / 11:20 am

    Not sure GD but 4 non-pregnant you want 2 hours after eating to be under 120. Decreasing carbs is obv but many do not small increases in fats can satisfy hunger faster AND longer. So small pat of butter on veggies, nuts in reasonable quantity are among things to try and see what they do for YOU now. Watch the impact of meals/snacks so you know what YOUR body wants modified.
    SOME people find the starchy veggies and grains increase inflammation and water retention and that MIGHT impact fluid levels. Also HEAT of muggy hot summer with travel and sitting. But not ALL people. Just something to consider and evaluate for you. SOME people find drinking more water (without additives) helps decrease water retention etc. Again everyone is different and each pregnancy is different. Ask your medical people and watch your own responses.
    Having GD increases odds of becoming Type 2 later in life … sometimes we don’t think about that issue. What you learn now and implement for your whole family may make GIANT health difference later.
    Very best wishes to you all; Crossing fingers.

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