The third trimester? Seriously? It seems like yesterday I was just trying not to hurl and eating an embarrassing amount of chips.
Since I’ve failed at taking more candid everyday photos of me pregnant once again (I told myself I was going to take All Of The Pictures if I got pregnant after Olivia) I had Chris stop during our walk this week and take some pictures of me (and Olivia).
Olivia was clearly thrilled about the whole thing.
It’s hard to believe this baby will be here in the next season.
I had my 28 week visit with Dr. A. and my first biophysical profile (BPP). Queso scored a perfect 8/8 and is now lying sideways, but with her legs up by her face. Why my babies like this position is beyond me. So while she’s not technically frank breech, she’s sort of frank breech — sideways.
Queso: I do what I want.
Me: Touche.
Anyway, here are some pictures:
Her chunky, still-slightly-creepy face full-on with her arm up over her head. She looks so much like Olivia.
Her impressive spinal cord since she was stubbornly facing down toward her eventual exit, but oh, the detail!
Her little legs. My favorite to see. The one below, she has one foot resting on the other leg.
My blood pressure is up. 141/91, so, unfortunately, I need to increase the Labetalol from 100mg to 200mg and hopefully, that will control it. He ran labs for preeclampsia, and luckily that just came back all normal. I’ve been having a few headaches this week, which I hope wasn’t due to BP, but I’ll have to start monitoring it here at home periodically.
Not that it really matters because my appointments are now increasing to weekly which is going to make for a long ten weeks. I did all this with Olivia, but it’s just extra daunting now having to work around childcare and work and a toddler. So I’ll have weekly BPPs for the next three weeks and then we’ll add in the non-stress tests too. I did one Thursday for a few minutes until his nurse came in to unhook me, saying the scheduler messed up and I wasn’t quite starting those yet.
Since I had failed my one hour glucose test, I was told to test my glucose at home for a few days. Luckily, the meter, tests strips, and lancets were covered by insurance so I only needed to pay about $25 for everything. My fastings readings were all 91 and less, and an hour after meals my levels were 133 at most with the majority being in the 80s. I had two readings where they were higher after two high carb meals (197 and 175), but he said since most of them were good and my fasting readings were good that I would be OK to just test once a week, but I did confirm he’s not diagnosing me with gestational diabetes. So…. all good things. I’ve been working on my nutrition a lot more in the last few weeks, more out of not wanting to gain too much weight, so this is extra incentive to keep at it.
Funny enough I had lost five pounds since my appointment two weeks ago, thanks to the decrease in simple carbs and my official weight gain has only been 5 pounds so far. Which is great because now I have ten pounds to work with this last trimester when the weight gain really picks up in order for me to stay within my recommended amount.
What’s going on with Queso
According to my app, she can now open her eyes and blink and has teeny tiny eyelashes. *I die*
She can stick out her tongue (I’d pay to see that), and is now experiencing rapid eye movements, which means she’s dreaming (probably about pizza or how much she’ll incessantly nurse once she’s on the outside). She’s also working on coughing. Apparently, she’s supposed to be getting into the proper position (face down, ass up, but that’s a crock of lies).
She’s been moving like crazy this week after scaring me to death last week and not moving much at all. Constantly keeping me on my toes, I guess. My whole stomach will bounce around sometimes when she’s really wild in there. I know some women get annoyed when they lie down at night and the movements start, but holy moly I love them. The crotch shots not so much.
What’s going on with me
I’ve been getting more lower backaches this week, which I haven’t had in a while. The sciatica has been OK, but there have been more shooting pains into my butt, especially if I sit for too long.
I had one episode this week where we were out at the aquarium with a friend and I didn’t bring my water bottle (after delivering Olivia and breastfeeding, I can’t go without water anywhere or I automatically dry up and think I’m dehydrating to death) and the snacks I ate beforehand weren’t cutting it. I wasn’t doing too hot, feeling a little dizzy and faint, but that’s the first time it’s happened this pregnancy.
Heartburn: actually not too bad now that I’m lowering my carbs. I think they’re definitely a trigger sonofabitch cheeseballs.
Constipation: Is it bad to say I haven’t been paying attention? I think I probably go a day or two without ahem, dropping the kids off at the pool, but so far it hasn’t been miserable or anything. In related news, I found the suppositories I used with Olivia’s pregnancy in the back of my bathroom cabinet while cleaning it out. Ooph. Some memories right there, y’all.
Feeling pregnant? Yes. Very pregnant. There’s a lot of baby in there and the evenings have been so hard trying to bend over like when I have to change Olivia’s bedsheets or “Mama, hold dis dustpan while I sweep into it!” and holy hell I feel like the baby is going to fall out of my mouth or something.
Nursery progress
We got the rug! It’s down! The crib is up! The crib sheets are on even though she’s not coming for months because I’m NEUROTIC. Send help.
Complete with air fryer.
Queso’s room is about half the size of Olivia’s so trying to figure out where everything should go has been interesting.
Olivia’s been sick with something the last few days and you guys, doing this pregnant has been rough.
After spending last night in urgent care and then the chaos of coming home late and getting dinner and bath, I had gone nine hours eating only about 300 calories. So last night was rough. This morning was rough as you can see by the darkness under my eyes. And no matter how much I eat today I’m hungry, since I’m focusing on foods that are good for Queso.
I’m not sure what’s going with Olivia, but I’m assuming some sort of virus since her strep came back negative and they ruled out an ear infection and pneumonia.
Anyway, I’m exhausted. Queso is happily kicking my cervix. Olivia’s eaten three popsicles today. Goodnight, friends.
You look amazing in the top photo, AND the last one too! Looking after poorly child while growing a whole other human is hard and it sounds like you are acing it all : ) Third trimester… getting near the big day now!
Aww you look great!! I love the look on her face!! haha