27 weeks with baby #3: Recovering

We made it through quarantine. Olivia tested negative for COVID Tuesday morning and both girls were able to go back to school. Which was especially a relief since they were celebrating their Valentine’s Day parties at school and I was so glad they didn’t have to miss them.

For the first time in our relationship, Chris and I didn’t do anything for Valentine’s Day. Except for a fist bump and an “Oh yeah, happy Valentine’s Day,” we basically didn’t give a shit because it’s been survival mode here, y’all. And I don’t even feel bad about it. For us, or at least I should say me, this day has only ever been about an excuse to go to a fancy dinner and 90% of the time, eat pasta and bread.

So while the adults in the house DGAF about V-day, I did have the growth scan that I was waiting for since I had to cancel it last week. This scan was because a PA had told me I measured big and there was a big urgency in getting in ASAP since I would probably be maiming my unborn child for life by being a shitty parent and not GETTING IN YESTERDAY FOR A GROWTH SCAN OMFG WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU BITCH????????

But guess what? You probably already know. That’s right. Baby is perfect. Measuring beautifully. No excess fluid. Run of the mill 78th percentile, measuring roughly 2 lbs 15 oz. Heart rate in the 140s.

I actually have yet to get a good profile of this baby since he’s always content to have his head stuffed somewhere inaccessible and I really hope one of these times we can get a good side look at him. We did get one of his tiny foot up by his forehead. He was upside down, exactly where he should be, and way too busy fidgeting and yawning to care about the fact he was being watched.

27 weeks with baby #3

I did ask tentatively if the tech could angle the wand so we could get a peek between his legs. “I couldn’t look at the level 2 ultrasound and the photo I got didn’t seem to show much,” I explained, “I promise I’m not obsessed about my baby’s penis.”

I lied, I am a little. I’ve never had a tiny baby penis to obsess over.

She was more than happy to show me and when I asked if she thought I was weird that I cared so much and wanted to cry, she said absolutely not, it’s an adorable penis.

Which he’s going to just love reading about in ten years or so on his mom’s blog.

Afterward, I was able to actually see my doctor. I’ve only seen him once or twice throughout this pregnancy and this was definitely an appointment I wanted his reassurance for.

After telling me everything looked perfect with the baby (I declined to tell him about the horrible stress his PA put me through waiting for this ultrasound), we looked over my blood glucose numbers. That morning, my fasting was finally under 90, and he said he wasn’t worried about them in general because I was sick and that he would only want to start Metformin if my fasting numbers were consistently in the 100s.

I asked him if up until now if the baby was affected by my blood sugars would we be able to tell and he said, yes, we’d be able to see it on the ultrasound and that the baby looks like he’s growing healthy. So that was a huge relief to hear.

He wants to see me next week to check on my recovery from COVID and then I’m to start weekly biophysical profiles at 32 weeks.

My blood pressure looked great at 122/84 and thanks to my low-carb diet, I’m 2 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight. I was also relieved to see my oxygen levels were 99%.

He wanted to rerun my thyroid labs again and take another A1c so I did blood work and left a urine sample for preeclampsia labs.

I found out the next day my A1c was still looking great at 5.4, but my TSH was elevated. They want to start me on meds for hypothyroidism, so I get to take yet another pill.

27 weeks with baby #3

My glucose numbers since then have actually normalized and my fasting now averages between 83 and 91 and almost all my after-meal numbers have been under 140. So that’s a relief. I made a keto pizza for our family night this Friday while Chris and the girls had homemade pizza. It’s not as good as the bread kind, but my glucose was 108 after, so that’s what counts.

Olivia’s been into leaving me little sticky notes after she stole my sticky pad. This was from Friday after we had finished eating pizza.

27 weeks with baby #3

I decided to start my baby blanket for Pokemon this week. I knew I wanted to make him one, but I was having trouble landing on a good color scheme for it. I finally landed one and then decided to go all in and do a Phoenix blanket from Hooked On Sunshine. It will be the most challenging pattern I’ve taken on, but it will be fun. I’ll post the progress photos here. This is up to part 2 and I plan on going through part 6 since the full blanket will be way too big for a baby. Every round is a different stitch pattern and it’s definitely been challenging.

27 weeks with baby #3

Other than that, I’ve been feeling lots and lots of movements. By far, he’s the most active of my babies. I’m still having “episodes” of exhaustion which I hope get better with time because I really can’t do much activity at all.

I also ordered more baby clothes, this time more geared toward baby boy from Kate Quinn from a sale they were having. It’s still so crazy to think I’m having a boy.

27 weeks with baby #3

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