27 weeks with Emelia: My pancreas is annoying me

Things are feeling a lot more real. I mean, how am I 27 weeks? Technically 28 weeks on Saturday. It’s moving fast, and I feel like I’m now stuck between wanting her to stay in and wanting her out. Squishy cheeks and all.

27 weeks

I don’t have an appointment with my OB until next week, but I’m assuming my blood pressure has been OK on the medication.

I did find out I failed my one-hour glucose, something I’ve been anxious about and freaking out for a while now. I knew if I failed it I wasn’t going to be doing the three hour due to my general gagginess and remarkable ability to almost hurl if my stomach is empty. It was 171 and normal is 140. So thanks a lot pancreas. You’re a lazy asshole.

So… it makes me a little nervous that I wasn’t even borderline, but I think I may have also screwed it up by eating too close to the test, not to mention the 12g-sugar Greek yogurt I had a few hours prior. Here I was thinking I was getting some protein and didn’t even realize the sugar content until after.

My doctor is letting me test my glucose at home for a few days before my appointment to see how they are, and I have to pick up the glucometer and strips at the pharmacy today. Fingers crossed they’re normal.

What’s going on with me

Apparently, my uterus is now the size of a basketball. I believe it. In fact, there’s a pair of maternity leggings I have that I can’t wear anymore because it puts too much pressure on my stomach.

Because this is how pregnant I feel these days:

27 weeks

I’ve been a lot itchier lately on my stomach and on my shot sites on my butt where I haven’t had an injection in a month. I haven’t felt the lightening crotch much during this pregnancy, but I definitely have those achy cramps that are round ligament pain. The sciatica hasn’t been too bad luckily thanks to acupuncture. I’ve been having a lot more congestion in my nose in the last few weeks.

Heartburn: Raging. Still stubborn and haven’t gone on a daily maintenance med. Send Tums.

Restless legs: I had two nights where I had this, but luckily the magnesium supplements seem to be taking care of that.

Peeing: A lot. What can I say?

Pooping: Not a lot. Still, it took me until 27 weeks to really feel constipated, so there you go.

What’s going on with Queso

I don’t know if Queso is growing or what, but the last few days have been a little rough. I dry heaved after brushing my teeth for the first time in two months, and suddenly eating salads makes me want to puke again. It’s like I was reverting back to the first trimester (or should I say the first 20 weeks) and I forgot how much that sucked. So I don’t know. Growth spurt? Good for her, bad for me?

She’s probably about 14.5 inches and according to my app, 2 lbs, but she was measuring 2.8 lbs at my last scan last week —  overachiever that she is. I felt her hiccups for the first time while laying on the table during acupuncture this week, only every little hiccup was over my bladder, so I just felt like I had to pee really bad every two seconds for three minutes. Still the cutest thing ever.

And she has brain activity! I don’t know what this means, per se, but it’s on my pregnancy app. So…go Queso?

Nursery progress

We painted! Which means all the old stuff on the wall from the guest-room/Olivia’s play area (read: toy storage) is gone and the nail holes are gone. It’s a blank canvas and I have no idea what to do with it besides weirdly filling her walls with Harry Potter paraphernalia. Chris will build the crib this weekend (because I’m making him) and then I can start getting things organized in there. Type A and all. I have a huge bin of things to launder (which I’m currently doing now) and another bin of Olivia’s old toys and toys I bought at the consignment sale to wash. I ordered an area rug for her room and I think that will take a few weeks to deliver. It will come together! At some point.

1st-trimester bump photos

2nd-trimester bump photos


  1. rose
    August 15, 2019 / 10:05 pm

    Knowing you have a tendency towards high blood sugars now can be the start of a life adventure of avoiding diabetes and being clear and knowledgeable about what foods are processed as sugar by your body. (because pregnancy sugar issues does increase probability of sugar issues generally in the next decades.) If your whole family learns to eat with lower starchy/sugar foods your whole family will have better health all their lives. That is my pep talk. Way better to control now than deal with insulin later. (I do not think you have been eating candy bars and cakes, pies, cookies, starchy dinners, beer, sugar drinks, etc.) Super sorry!
    Know you know all this. Wish you had had way lower numbers from test. But real life doesn’t go the way I wish. Find your gold lining to this situation. Finger sticking isn’t the worst thing in life and I know you have already faced and surmounted harder things. Tremendous faith in you!!!!!!! Hold on, hang in, happy healthy baby and mom are key.

    • Risa
      August 23, 2019 / 9:02 pm

      Thanks for the insight!

      • rose
        August 28, 2019 / 11:03 am

        It IS HARD! REALLY HARD. PCOS and Metabolic issues are pits and they stay around all your life. Doctors don’t talk about that much in part because medicine in this area is still in early learning stages. I would love it if you became expert and wrote more about this life long issue here. You are so good at such things.

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