25 weeks with Emelia: Queso takes her first trip

25 weeks

We took Queso (not like she had a choice) to Iowa this weekend for Chris’s grandparents’ 70th wedding anniversary. 70 years, right? That’s pretty amazing and I’m hoping Chris and I can get there someday without killing each other. Olivia loved seeing her cousins and racing around the church and only fell twice which I considered pretty good.

It was really hot and humid this weekend there and I had some pretty bad swelling in my feet and hands and I knew it was probably related to the heat and the fact that I was travel-dieting and eating a lot more sodium than normal. Still, with being on the blood pressure meds now, there’s a part of me that gets concerned with that, but it was all good.

25 weeks

There’s honestly not a whole lot to say this week. Things have been pretty uneventful and I’m not complaining. Uneventful is good.

Heartburn: sucks

Sciatica, hips, pelvis, the works: sucks. I need a support belt. Luckily, I’m back at the chiropractor tomorrow, but I’m thinking of switching to see someone who is Webster-certified that can maybe do some other somethings, pregnancy-specific to help.

Baby: amazeballs. Moving like crazy. Sometimes my whole stomach will jump now, or she’ll land a kick in my side that makes me gasp in surprise or squeak because I’m not expecting it and some of them border on painful.

I love it. This is the part of pregnancy I wish would slow down because I love these kicks so much and I know I get to meet her in three months, but I won’t get this back and no amount of video or photography will capture these. Chris and Olivia feel her whenever I wave one of them over and squash their hands into my belly. She’s doing this inconsistent thing (or is it actually consistent?) where one day she won’t move much and the other she’s flipping and flopping and all but trying her hardest to bust out of there Alien-style. There’s some mornings around 4-5:00 where I wake up because I have to pee and she’s just in there by herself happily kicking away while I had been sleeping.

Next week is my US and glucose test. I’m starting to get nervous about passing it because the three-hour test gives me nightmares the way I can still dry-heave when my stomach is empty. Send good positive low-sugar vibes my way.

1st-trimester bump photos

2nd-trimester bump photos


  1. August 2, 2019 / 12:46 am

    Uneventful is most definitely good! Love that you are enjoying all the kicks and getting out and about to celebrate with your wider family. Sorry about the symptoms and I hope they calm down for you.

    Such a wonderful story of Q dancing about while you’re sleeping!

    • Risa
      August 7, 2019 / 10:36 am

      I love this. She’s by far more active than Olivia was, but maybe I just don’t remember!

  2. rose
    August 2, 2019 / 12:24 pm

    So glad you are doing well and feeling generally well.
    Blood sugar tests are really important (as you know) and only advice I can give is to think carefully about what you already are eating and try to avoid foods that get metabolized as sugars, because that is best for your and baby’s health. IF you are having troubles with blood sugars you want that found and treated, because the implications of untreated sugar troubles in pregnancy will be with you for the rest of your life.
    Hope the tests go well and you aren’t sick during the 3 hour test period. If you are sick, tell them.
    Absolute best wishes!!!!!!

    • Risa
      August 7, 2019 / 10:38 am

      Oh man, the three hour is out for me. There’s no way I can get through that being that I gag when my stomach is empty. I’ll definitely be doing the alternative if it comes to that, but I’m crossing my fingers I pass the one hour!

  3. August 6, 2019 / 1:08 am

    Sending lots of good glucose level vibes! How did it go? I’m glad I passed because I’m not sure I could have tasted for the second one! And I was having some back cramping, I definitely thought of the chiropractor… I’ve heard they can really help!

    • Risa
      August 7, 2019 / 10:40 am

      I have it in just a few hours! Wish me luck! And yes, the chiro has been amazing for that!

      • August 7, 2019 / 11:11 am

        Sending lots of luck!!

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