2023 Freelance income report: Q1-Q2

I’m playing with a new format for these posts to lay out things differently and make these posts more clear. But that’s me, always changing things up and nothing is consistent. Note: Because 2023 was a righteous year of survival mode, I’m actually writing this in January 2024. Future self: Things are slowly looking up.

2023 Freelance income report: Q1-Q2

Being pregnant caused a lot of interesting things to happen this first half of the year. As with the other pregnancies, some complications meant a lot of extra doctor visits. Visits to the chiropractor to help with the fact that I literally couldn’t walk any more than was necessary. Visits to the acupuncturist to help manage the physical and emotional side effects of this pregnancy. As I got closer to my due date, the appointments picked up, and the work started dropping off.

It was hard to commit to assignments when I did not know what would happen with this pregnancy. Q1 started off okay, in which I made just under $6,000. Not even close to what I was making last year, but again, this was a weird year.

But then I didn’t work at all in both April or June. In May, I took two assignments while technically on maternity leave, which was the sole income for Q2. But hey, I knew I wanted to take time off after having the baby because I didn’t know what things were going to look like.

The articles ranged from $300 to $1,500 and they ranged from melanoma to birth control to disparities in heart health to sleep topics. Overall, I worked with some really great clients.

The Good and the Bad

What worked in Q1-Q2:

  • Going outside my comfort zone. I was assigned a few articles that initially intimated me based on the subject matter. I didn’t initially feel comfortable with my knowledge level, but I’m glad I said yes to them because they stretched me mentally and I learned a lot of really cool things.
  • Knowing my limits. I turned down projects. I turned down some really lucrative opportunities and had a hard with that. But I also knew that saying yes would have meant a lot of added stress during a time that was already a pretty awful time, emotionally and physically. I turned down an opportunity to write chapters for a nursing labor and delivery textbook. I turned down a really cool project with a healthcare company that paid really well and the client seemed so nice. It sucked. But it was necessary.
  • There are future opportunities. Those clients I had to turn down? I plan on following up with them after the baby is born and I’m back at work and hopefully it will turn into work.

What didn’t go so well:

  • My mental health in Q2. I know I was struggling. In more ways than just with this difficult pregnancy. I wanted to work. I wanted to pursue these new opportunities. I started feeling better at the end of February from all the nausea and BOOM. More health issues. More appointments. I wanted to work, especially after the success of 2022 in which I had my highest year of income yet.
  • Having to turn down opportunities. See above. It sucked. Necessary, but it sucked.
  • Letting my perfectionism get the best of me. Look, it worked out. But oy. I was assigned a piece for a trade magazine that was highly technical. As in, when I started diving into the research, I said something along the lines of OMFG I can’t do this. It was based on a study that even my editor said was technical. And then I interviewed one of the authors and he said even he, as a PhD, took months to fully understand the concepts. But I pushed through. And I’m freaking proud of it. I’ll plan on sharing it in my end of year update in January.



  • Projects billed for: 11
  • # of clients billed: 7
  • Income in: $5,950


  • Projects billed for: 2
  • # of clients billed: 1
  • Income in: $1,100

Total income: $5,950

How’s the rest of the year looking?

Look, including my maternity leave, I didn’t obviously work as much as I wanted. But I still made something. I made more in this first part of the year than I did all year during some early years of freelancing. I gave myself grace when I managed it, and I don’t have expectations for next Q3 and Q4. Whatever I make is still income and this time of pregnancy and a newborn aren’t going to be forever.

I didn’t even make an income goal this year because of the pregnancy, so I have no expectations. I’m cuddling a baby, working when I can, and managing a new family of five. That’s all I can do.

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