2019 reader survey results

Congrats to Beth! She won the Amazon gift card. If you took my survey, thank you so much! It will remain open if you still wanted to take it and give me some feedback/suggestions.

2019 Reader survey results

I had 43 responses.

There were a lot of great comments and suggestions from you. Many of you asked that I continue to address infertility topics/parenting after infertility which I think is great. While I got two kids out of infertility, that smelly pirate hooker, I know from living my day to day life that infertility and my feelings about it are far from over.

I received a lot of great topics that I will definitely use for future posts. And considering I was an ass and barely addressed some of the topics you wanted to see from last year, I’ll be working through those too. I wanted to personally address a few of your comments here:

Not specific to you but those of us who haven’t had a successful pregnancy after loss could use some articles about coping with loss when a rainbow baby isn’t possible. There are lots of rainbow articles but not everyone gets a rainbow.

This is so important because you’re right. There just aren’t a lot of articles out there for when your rainbow baby doesn’t come. It’s hard for me because I just don’t think I’m the one to address this. But there are a few bloggers I follow that are living child-free after fertility treatments that I think would be amazing resources. Jess from My Path to Mommyhood and Mali from No Kidding in NZ are two of my favorites and from there, both of them list other blogs they follow of child-free parents.

Marriage, sex, raising Little’s, 3 is so hard, is 4 any better??

No, my friend, it is not.

Sex after two kids!

The only bad thing about blogging about this is that people will know I’m no longer a virgin. So. Embarrassing.

Any advice for toddlers and egg donor because I am working thought it myself also. Example, when do we tell our son that we used an egg donor?

I promise to address this in a post soon. Topics surrounding this is the most common thing I’m asked.

I love you. Is that weird?

No. No it’s not. I’m easy to love.

That got a little weird 😉 Seriously, thanks for your real perspective and sharing your journey through it all. It certainly means a lot to this reader who is going through a similar journey.

Thank you for your encouragement to keep going on the things I already love to talk about on here. I’m excited for this year. I’m excited to share more stories with you. Let’s keep on doing this, friends.

2019 Reader survey results


  1. January 10, 2020 / 12:42 pm

    Hmm I would say that 4 CAN be better than 3 because there is a bit more impulse control, but 5 is when things get better. 6 is pretty good so far too. There is hope!

    • Risa
      January 10, 2020 / 2:40 pm

      Lol! OK that’s good to know!

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