2018 Reader Survey Results Are In!

This is the third reader survey I’ve done for this blog and every year I find it so helpful. I received 76 77 responses! Congratulations to Kelly, who was the winner of the $10 Amazon gift card!

2018 Reader Survey Results

These surveys are always so much fun and they’re oddly enjoyable for me. And you. I hope. Your responses help me think of new post ideas and what you are really interested in reading about. More on that below. And your compliments? I luvs them. They make me happy. So without further ado:

Who you are

Some fun facts about who y’all are:

  • 74 % of you have experience infertility
  • 55 % of you have a toddler. Which is great because you can commiserate with me. 13% of you said you didn’t have any children here on Earth. I’m so appreciative of you, reading topics on here that can’t be easy to read all the time.

2018 Reader Survey Results

  • 74 % are longtime readers

2018 Reader Survey Results

  • 46% of you primarily follow my blog on Facebook. The second most common way is searching for it.

2018 Reader Survey Results

  • 64% of you don’t get my newsletter. Say what?? I send out a newsletter that includes my posts about twice a month. No more, sometimes less. Consistency isn’t really my strong suit. I also occasionally send out one when I want to give you a head’s up on something coming up on the blog, so no pressure, but if you wanted to sign up, you can click here!

What you want

I asked you what kind of posts/topics you liked reading about on here. These were popular responses:

  • Donor egg IVF. Mainly, how I navigate the donor thing and how I will tell my daughter.
  • I was surprised that many of you said you loved the day in the life posts and updates on Olivia. I always think of these are ones meant for me and to look back on in the future, so it’s so cool to know you like reading them too!
  • The upcoming transfer
  • Infertility and the PTSD it brings up
  • You want more posts on tips on motherhood, you don’t like tips posts and just want to read about my life. Hey, I’m all about a good mix.
  • Navigating anxiety as a mama

Writing for money

This was a new question this year. I was curious about those of you who had some interested in learning about freelance writing and what it all entails. I’ll be honest, a good amount of you said you weren’t interested, but several of you said you didn’t mind when I wrote about it, and still thought the quarterly income reports were interesting. Here were the popular things you were interested in learning more about:

  • Getting started/the steps
  • How I make it work for me, coming up with topic ideas, finding work
  • What’s my endgame/goal

I think I could talk about all this in a future post, so heads up!

Some of my favorite responses

You being open to sharing helped me get comfortable with my infertility journey.

Just that there’s usually something in your posts that make me laugh aloud and scare our guinea pig.

I’ve followed your journey since way before you found out you were pregnant with your daughter. My son and your daughter are almost exactly a year apart. Your blog helped me get through some tough days. I love keeping up and in some way I feel I’m helping the fight for baby #2. I absolutely love that you kept writing when all others stopped once they had their miracle baby.

I’d like to thank you for being a supporter and cheerleader for the silent folk still battling away at infertility. Even if I don’t comment/interact much, it helps and I’m grateful to feel less alone.

Although I am old enough to be your mother, I find your articles very timely. I work as a paraprofessional in a first grade classroom. Your experiences, thoughts, feelings help me to remember what my students’ families are going through as they navigate parenting young children. Gentle reminders for me to be empathetic with what goes on before and after school. I think your discussions on infertility are very brave and needed. Too many have suffered in silence for too long.

So that about wraps it up. Thank you so much to those of you who took the survey. I’m so appreciative.

2018 Reader Survey Results


  1. Amie
    January 10, 2019 / 8:40 am

    I always think these are interesting. It’s fun reading what the results are.

    • Risa
      January 14, 2019 / 9:59 am

      For sure!

  2. January 10, 2019 / 3:26 pm

    Thanks for sharing the results! I find it so interesting!

    • Risa
      January 14, 2019 / 9:58 am

      I know! It’s always fun to do!

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