2018 Goals: Check (More Or Less)

2018 was supposed to be a year of Fearlessness. When I wrote the post on it back in January last year, it was to put myself out there and make more money writing, as well as get through our embryo transfer.

I tripled my writing income, but I don’t think I would call myself Fearless as I underwent my sixth embryo transfer back in October. In fact, my anxiety really got the best of me, especially in that month it was happening. But I also realize I’m not the same person I was back in December 2017.

Last year, I wrote out some goals I wanted to accomplish in 2018. Here’s how I did:

Did I meet my 2018 goals?

1. Doubling my writing income.

Yes! I made just under $5,000 in freelance writing in 2017. This year I made about $24,300. It makes me wonder how much more I would have made if I didn’t have a slow start to 2018. Next year, I plan on making more improvements to my business and really coming up with a business plan instead of the “work when I can” mentality I had this year.

2. Continue improving my website.

I haven’t done great on this. I haven’t gone back to update old posts from when I moved from Blogger two years ago. But I have been working on the design and new tabs. It’s a work in progress.

3. Let Olivia help in the kitchen more.

Success. She loves helping. She has a steady hand when she pours, and loves practicing with her kid knife. I try to let her help when time (and patience) allows, even if it’s just stirring a bowl or dumping in 1/4 tsp of basil. She loves it.

4. Manage our budget so we can actually put money in savings.

Money in savings? OK, well we did have a savings and almost all of it went to our FET in October. We *sort of* did a budget in 2018, but we’re hoping to make another and actually stick with it this next year. Especially because we now have a car payment, we’re facing the possibility of another and our furnace is about to die.

5. Get pregnant.

Giant fucking fail. We’ll try again in 2019. ‘Nough said.

6. Use my bullet journal every day.

Success. I’m still obsessed. I am working on the first few pages for 2019, but love using it for a task list every day and to keep track of my work. It’s funny because it’s one of the few things I’ve stuck with for an entire year.

7. Put our marriage first.

We made sure to get a monthly date in and have been doing really well with weekly Wine Time. This is definitely one I am keeping for next year, because it’s been so important for me. I think for the most part, I’m doing pretty good at putting Chris before anything or anyone else, but certain things like when both of them have been sick for the last week, I’m finding it hard to feel connected with Chris. I’ve been listening to a podcast called “One Extraordinary Marriage” and am obsessed with it. It’s given me some good ideas for having a strong marriage, and I’d recommend it to anyone.

8. Simplify my life.

OK well now that it’s been a year I don’t know how well I’ve stuck to this one. One one hand, I’ve brought 24 garbage bags to donation centers and sold a bunch of stuff on Facebook groups. I’ve been working on decluttering the house, but there’s still so much more to do. I think I finally found a good system for organizing Olivia’s toys in her play area, and lately, I’ve been trying to do some picking up in the kitchen and living room while Chris is putting Olivia to bed. So my house has stayed relatively clean lately, and because I’m happier when I am not living in clutter, this all has been a win.

But I still like I’m a hot mess. I’ve talked in therapy about how I let things control me instead of the other way around. Most days I feel like I’m just battling the Universe to get to bedtime. Olivia is in daycare three days a week, but I still have to do writing on the off days because I can’t complete it all during those three days. Which means I’m working on the weekends and some evenings and I wanted to find a better balance where I’m at least keeping work within a 9-5 day. I’m answering emails at 10:00 at night and because of that, I always feel “on.” Which I think can be common for people who own their business, but the stress has been getting to me.

So there you have it. Onward to 2019. I can’t wait to see what is in store.

Did you accomplish what you wanted to in 2018?

Let me know in the comments!


  1. January 8, 2019 / 12:42 am

    I definitely did not achieve my 2018 goals. The very reason I never do New Years Resolutions! However, I still plan to sit down and make some goals for this year. Goals are meant to be a challenge, right? If they were easy, they wouldn’t be worth setting goals for. I am super impressed with all you’ve accomplished with your writing! Seriously. You’ve done what I’ve only dreamed of doing (I have no desire to actually do it, lol). I’m proud of you. What kid knife did you get for Olivia? I’ve been thinking about getting kid knifes for Ayden and Rylee, but have yet to do it. It stresses me out and tests my patience to have them help me in the kitchen, but they love it! If I could have just one of them help me, it would be so much easier, but they both insist on helping at the same time. Ugh!

    • Risa
      January 9, 2019 / 9:04 pm

      I didn’t make any resolutions this year. I suck at keeping them. 😉 But goals, yes. I need to make some for this year! And thank you! Olivia’s knife… I got it at this little kitchen store. I bet Amazon has them. They are little animals, so her knife is a dog and her veggie peeler is a crocodile. Still.. helping in the kitchen is fun times for me. She gets so excited even if it’s just putting a lid back on or putting a spoon in the sink. Lol!

      • January 9, 2019 / 10:12 pm

        Goals sound much better than resolutions anyway! I still plan to sit down and make goals for the year as well. One of them being to blog more!

        • Risa
          January 14, 2019 / 10:00 am

          I would love reading more of your blog! I miss the days when everyone was still blogging.

          • January 14, 2019 / 12:39 pm

            I miss reading everyone’s blogs too!!!!

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