2016 Reader Survey (and giveaway!)

I’m *almost* in the single digits when I count down the days to launching my new website. Can I be real for a second? Ok, good. Here it goes: 

Sometimes I wonder if people (I’m talking to YOU) want more out of this blog. Are you totally cool with reading all about my life, or do you want something else? I don’t know. I came across the idea of a reader survey and I thought I would try it out. If it’s successful (read: Please take my survey), I may use it annually to get some feedback from you.   

So that being said, the survey (it will take you ten minutes or less!) will help me prepare for this new website. If you are a relatively regular reader of my blog, I would love if you could fill this out for me. If you wanted to be entered for a chance to win a $15.00 gift card to the Apple Store, be sure to leave your name and email within the survey at the bottom! 

When I originally started this blog, it was to 1) keep friends and family in the know about our infertility journey and 2) to build a community of support. And that’s how it will continue. But the way I present that information (or what kind of topics I could expand on or introduce) will always be written with you in mind. This community has truly changed my life and I can’t thank you enough for it. Blogging challenges me. I have periods of writer’s block and complete un-motivation, but all in all, it’s my Hatchimal: I need it. It’s like crack. And I’m willing to pay well more than it’s probably worth.

For those on mobile devices, click here to go to the survey, which will show up better for you. 🙂

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