20 weeks with Olivia: Am I really halfway there?

I can’t believe I made it to the halfway mark. Even to me, this is just surreal. I started feeling the baby a lot more strongly a few days ago. It almost feels like a big gulp down in my lower abdomen. Apparently that’s where baby likes to hang out. I wonder if she’s doing flips?

Check out these pictures!

20 weeks with Olivia: Am I really halfway there?

Monday is our anatomy scan. We will finally find out if she is really a girl…or not…

Since I’ve been feeling her more, I haven’t had to use the doppler much at all, and I am starting to breathe a little easier that we may pass the scan.

Overall, symptom-wise, I’ve been feeling much better. Week 19 was tiring and I felt like I reverted back to the first trimester a bit, but this week has been smooth sailing…unless you count the dry heaving here and there.

Last Thursday I had some wicked heartburn. Like, RAGING HELLFIRE HEARTBURN that wouldn’t go away. So some dear friends (ahem, C and D) talked me into trying a shot of apple cider vinegar. Apparently it’s supposed to help with reflux. Has anyone ever actually tried this? And not in, “Oh my friend swears by this!” No, I mean, has anyone ever seriously tried this? I want to know.

Let me tell you what happened to me when my husband handed my an ounce of vinegar…


I died. I seriously died. My first swallow was this intense lake of fire. The second I was clamping my hand over my mouth as my stomach violently heaved and tried to barf up this poison I just ingested.


Did my heartburn go away? Well, yes. Yes, it did. Did I feel like I swallowed battery acid and lived to tell about it? Yes, yes I did.

Never do this.

It wasn’t until after when I was in bed frantically Googling, sure that I had just burned and maimed my baby, that the sites I found sang, “Never ingest undiluted cider vinegar. Always dilute it with eight ounces of water.”

Moral of the story. If your friends suggest to you that you should try this because they’ve heard from a friend that it helps your particular ailment… don’t believe them.

Seriously, has anyone ever tried this personally? Not your friends. Not your Whole Foods aunt, I mean, you personally. Were you ever stupid enough Have you ever tried apple cider vinegar shots to get rid of heartburn?

Ok, enough about that. Word of warning to you guys. Our scan is Monday when we will find out the baby’s sex. However, I have to wait until the following Saturday to tell ANYONE because that’s when we are telling our family. Do you think I can keep this an absolute secret?

Unrelated note: Don’t talk to me next week if you know me in real life. Fair warning.


  1. July 30, 2015 / 6:19 pm

    I have never taken apple cider vinegar to cure heartburn and now I never will. Thanks for the warning. I used to just take zantac twice a day to keep the heartburn to a minimum.

  2. July 30, 2015 / 6:41 pm

    Ha that's awesome. I only use ACV (beyond cooking) for my hair as it's a great replacement for conditioner !

  3. July 30, 2015 / 6:43 pm

    I tried apple cider vinegar once. It was awful. My doctor recommended liquid Mylanta for my heartburn, he said the coating effect would help more than any amount of Tums would.

    Congratulations on making it halfway!

  4. July 30, 2015 / 7:26 pm

    I've never tried the apple cider vinegar but I did just read about it on a blog I read daily and get recipes from. It also says to dilute it and add it to water you are drinking. Supposedly it's really good for your digestive system. I'll let ya know how it goes when I try it. Yay for anatomy scan!!! I can't wait to hear the gender. Is it crazy that I think it's a boy?!?!

  5. July 30, 2015 / 7:30 pm

    OMG I am laughing so hard! I actually just started drinking apple cider vinegar for my terrible heart burn! Did your husband give it to you watered down? I put 2 table spoons in a 8-10 ounce glass. It actually really does work! It is a face scrungcher. (if that's a saying) It is suppose to be good for your health in many ways.
    OK enough of my rant. You look great! You have such a nice bump going now 🙂

  6. July 30, 2015 / 10:37 pm

    OMG, laughing from this!!! So sorry the apple cider vinegar wasn't the cure and glad all is well.

    And congratulations on 20 weeks!!! May the anatomy scan be a fun one.

  7. July 31, 2015 / 8:58 am

    Ha ha!!! Never have I ever tried apple cider vinegar. I also cannot believe you're 20 weeks!!! And I'm dying to find out if this is a boy or girl!!! XOXO

  8. July 31, 2015 / 8:59 am

    You crack me up! Such beautiful pictures 🙂 So excited for next week! I wouldn't be able to keep the gender secret!

    As far as the heartburn stuff goes, I swear by baking soda….AND I'VE TRIED IT! So, what you do is put a 1/2 teaspoon in a shot of water, like an 1/8 of a cup. Mix it up so it's dissolved and shoot it quick! Should alkalize everything and you'll find relief relatively quickly. Doesn't taste too bad, just a little chalky if you take too long to drink it – so take it like a shot! My mom swears by it and so do I! 🙂

  9. July 31, 2015 / 2:37 pm

    WOW thanks Friends! OUCH! I think I'd have a hard time keeping the gender a secret that long, but good luck!

  10. August 1, 2015 / 7:21 am

    Gosh you are adorable. I can't wait to find out is she is a she.

  11. August 1, 2015 / 11:17 pm

    Yes, I totally did for Tinnitus (hey, I was desperate and heard it could help). HORRIBLE stuff and it didn't help at all.

  12. August 2, 2015 / 6:51 pm

    I only took a teaspoon of pickle juice not acv to help with the acid reflux

  13. August 3, 2015 / 1:22 pm

    I've done shots of ACV before without adding water. I almost like it? I don't know, I definitely didn't think it was gross, but it was for sure very strong.

  14. August 4, 2015 / 9:22 am

    Pure ACV sounds disgusting. I just ate a lot of Tums when I was pregnant. 🙂

    Looking good!

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