And he bought me ice cream.
“You’re not going to eat them both are you, Risa?” Me: “I make no promises.”
He’s so great. I think he was thinking about what was going on in my uterus.
I mean, the nurse never told me I had to lay flat the rest of the night. I’m just trying to make it easier for the sperm to navigate that hostile environment. The least I can do is lessen the gravity on them. I imagine it’s probably the same as salmon in breeding season:
That’s a lot of work swimming upstream. Plus, add in some hostile grizzly bears and you can imagine what is happening up in my ute:
Scary. So I have a sweet husband who didn’t mind catering to my every whim last night. After all, it’s for the children, right?
I definitely had some more cramping and pain last night than I did the previous two IUIs. Today I feel better. I’m bloated, but now instead of the Clomid doing it, it’s the progesterone I’m back on. It’s just kind of never-ending. I spend two weeks with vag suppositories, bloated. Then I get my period, bloated. Then I go back on Clomid, and you guessed it. Then I have (maybe) a day or two of feeling like myself before an IUI is done and it makes me bloated. Then… progesterone again.
Tonight, Chris is taking me out for a Valentine’s date. Not a bad way to start off the 2WW. And IComLeavWe starts again next week so it’ll be a good distraction for me.
Ben and Jerry's is always helpful…always. (-:
So funny, yesterday I was 1dp5dt and I've been thinking about Ben and Jerry's ever since… Definitely sending my hubs out of some tonight :). Have a great date night!
Omgosh. I hope you don't feel quite like the fat woman. That picture is just sad. Anyway, hopefully all the bloating will be worth it in the end….for the children 🙂
The bloating sucks, but it does go away quickly!
Great. Now all I want is Ben & Jerry's. And I still haven't gotten my girls scout cookies yet.
Welcome to the 2WW!. You can keep me company 🙂
Nice – he picked out some great flavors!
YAY!!! We can do this!! I feel like that fat lady too. At least I have a three day weekend for PJ's!! But what am I gonna wear to church ugh. I'm so excited for us!! I think it's funny our cycles are so close and we are both married to Chris'.
Oh my gosh that picture totally freaked me out!
Mmmmm. Ben and Jerry's.
Fingers crossed for you, girl!
That's right! ALWAYS! At least that's what I keep telling myself.
Hope you got some! 🙂
Ha ha I felt a little bad putting that up. It is really sad, isn't it?
I don't know, I feel like I always have it. Of course I eat salt like a horse so that probably doesn't help.
Oh I know! It was delicious!
Ha ha that is crazy! Well then, BFPs together too!
It's a little unsettling. 🙂 Thanks my dear!
Oh so sad about those Girl Scout cookies! I would love to keep you company! I can't believe all those restrictions you have. Yikes! Here's hoping for us both!
Yay! So excited for you! The 2WW is the WORST! It's so hard NOT to analyze every little thing that goes on in our bodies during the LONGEST 14 days EVER! I love your blog- especially your candor!
I wish I had women near me who actually GET what we are going through and we can cry and bitch and celebrate together!!
I know Ann that would be amazing to be able to get together with blogger friends. Maybe someday, it's definitely not unheard of. 🙂
Awesome post; good luck! Ben and Jerry's really does make the world look brighter.