15 Weeks with Emelia: Staying The Course

This one will be brief because not a whole lot has changed this week. I’ve been feeling more round ligament pain and feeling some little movements, but with the anterior placenta, it’s not as much as I did with Olivia. The nausea and dry heaves continue. My acupuncturist recommended Sea Bands and homeopathic ipecac, so I’ve been trying that and they’ve been taking the edge off. I’m still taking the B6 suckers, too, hoping this is going to die down soon.

According to my app, Baby Q is the size of an orange and can now move all her limbs freely.

Luckily, when I’m out and about, it’s a good distraction from everything and I don’t feel the nausea as much except when my stomach is empty. 15 weeks

This week, Olivia and I got out to the Science Museum with our friends and she had so much fun. She loved going from exhibit to exhibit, wanting to know how each worked. I did pretty well as long as I could sit every once in a while. I’m pretty sure my iron levels are low because sometimes if I’m doing something like brushing my hair, my heart will end up pounding and I’ll feel lightheaded. It’s disheartening because I was supposed to be taking this certain plant-based iron supplement in addition to my Flintstones with iron and trying to eat foods high in iron, but with my nausea, I can’t.

My 16-week appointment is next week, so I’m going to check on my hemoglobin levels and ask if I need to be on further restrictions. I haven’t bled since Sunday, so I’m hoping this is coming to an end.


  1. May 28, 2019 / 10:21 am

    Girl. If your iron levels are low and you are anemic, ask or find yourself a hematologist and get an Iron infusion instead of taking extra iron. You feel immediate relief from symptoms and have no GI upset at all. It’s a revelation. And safe after the first trimester and you can get them several times throughout the pregnancy if you need it.BEST thing my doctor ever did for me, hands down.

    • jane
      May 28, 2019 / 12:51 pm

      Thank you Charlotte! You said it better than I could have. Some people say this MIGHT also help with avoiding per-ecalmpsia … but that may not be medically correct!

    • Risa
      May 28, 2019 / 8:48 pm

      No go, unfortunately. My doctor said she won’t do it in the second tri and my levels would have to be at a nine in the third trimester to warrant it. So that sucks. 🙁

      • May 29, 2019 / 5:35 pm

        Huh. Well, I would still suggest reaching out to a hematologist regardless. They check more than just your ferritin levels, it’s actually 2 other sets of labs that they look at. Anemia in pregnancy is common, and they often treat pregnant patients. I have a blood disorder which is why I finally started seeing one during my last pregnancy (my doc didn’t really know much about it before, he met my hematologist at a conference and learned, so many Obs aren’t necessarily aware of the safety and efficacy of doing iron infusions vs oral iron) Michael Auerbach is my hema and he literally wrote the book on doing them. (If you are at all interested)

        • Risa
          May 29, 2019 / 9:46 pm

          I’ll look into this, thank you Charlotte. I’m still waiting on my levels.

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