14 Weeks with Emelia: Hello Second Trimester!

Ah, what to report to the Internet this week? I feel like everything has been pretty much the same since last week. Still nauseous. Still dry heaving. Still eating Cheetos Puffs. In fact, I’m going through chips and crackers at an alarming rate, but that’s all that Queso wants me to eat. In fact, here’s a list of what I can and can’t eat right now:

What I can eat:

  • Any chips
  • Most crackers, but Goldfish are definitely out
  • Stouffer’s Macaroni and Cheese
  • Kraft Mac n Cheese
  • Pizza
  • Arby’s roast beef sandwiches
  • Apples
  • Pizza (wait, I already said that)
  • Ice cream

What I can’t eat:

  • Everything else
  • And meat
  • But roast beef sandwiches are cool

I spend my mornings wanting to dry heave constantly and my evenings so stuffed and bloated and heartburny and indigestiony that I can’t take in a full breath until about 10:15 at night.

The dry heaves are the worst. And since I haven’t told you an awkward oversharing story in a while, here’s one:

Tuesday morning I was running the shower, about to step in. I’ve had a cold/congestion thing (not good having all this drainage when the slightest thing makes me gag) and I had some junk in my chest that I had to cough out now, but was trying to hold it in because I knew it wouldn’t end well. But my body coughed anyway.

Which made me immediately do a huge dry heave. Which made me pee on the floor. And since I’m still dealing with the bleeding issues… there was blood too. Sonofabitch.

In other news, I did my LAST PIO INJECTION Tuesday evening!

14 weeks

And true, it doesn’t feel like it’s truly over because in two weeks I’m starting a different form of progesterone to prevent premature labor, but at least though are weekly and aren’t an actual oil, so I won’t get lumps under my skin and have to warm up the vial beforehand and all that fun stuff.

Wednesday and Thursday last week, I actually felt…OK? Like, 40% back to normal. Thursday, I went in for an ultrasound to see if the hematoma shrank at all. The sonographer said it didn’t look like it did. So that was discouraging, but everything is fine with Baby Q. She’s measuring three days ahead and at 4 oz with a heart rate of 149. We saw her doing some dancing in there, even with an SCH getting in her way. Here’s some adorbs baby pics.

14 weeks

Olivia had wanted to come with to see the baby, but when we got there and were doing the US, she couldn’t care less.

14 weeks

That little sac in the upper right is the SCH. I found out a few days later that my doctor did see it slightly decreased in size. It was measuring 7.1 x 2.5 x 2.7 cm. Previously it measured 5.6 x 4.4 x 4.4 cm. The radiologist had commented that it appeared to have flattened out in its shape. So… there’s that.

After those two days of feeling slightly better, I thought I was on the upswing, but no. Friday morning was awful. Dry heaving. Horrible nausea. Olivia had her last day of school and parents were to come to the playground for the last half hour of class. I had come home after dropping her off so I could go back to sleep. When my alarm went off at 10:30, I wondered how I was going to get out of bed. I ate a granola bar laying down. I grabbed a sleeve of Ritz and said a prayer I wouldn’t hurl in her preschool and somehow I made it though. Then I hit up Taco Bell. Pregnancy is disgusting.

first trimester photos

second trimester photos


  1. May 21, 2019 / 7:50 am

    Iā€™m so sorry that you are still not feeling good but it sounds like Queso is doing great!

    • Risa
      May 22, 2019 / 5:17 pm

      Queso is doing wonderful, which is probably why I feel like crap. šŸ˜‰

  2. May 21, 2019 / 1:06 pm

    Oh man, you have been hit HARD this time around. I’m so sorry that the nausea is still so persistent. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it subsides soon.

    • Risa
      May 22, 2019 / 5:17 pm

      Thank you friend. Me too because this is NOT cool.

  3. Amie Price
    May 22, 2019 / 2:10 pm

    I think it’s so interesting the things that you can’t eat but Taco Bell is ok…haha As long as pizza is on the good list all is right in the world!

    • Risa
      May 22, 2019 / 5:16 pm

      I know. It’s so weird. And gross.

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