So for real. Last night, I’m sitting downstairs on the reclining chair and and I suddenly felt this bubbly sensation in my lower left abdomen. Like, bubble. bubble. bubble. bubble. And my eyes got wide and I froze. Baby? Or gas bubble? After some texts and Googling, determining I was not crazy, it was concluded that this was baby moving. Weirdest feeling ever. So when I went to bed, in every waking moment, every gurgle, blip, or bubble I felt was carefully analyzed: Baby or gas bubble? Conclusion: Some of those had to be baby. (Nights are fun around here.)
Today was the last of the first trimester ultrasounds. I told Chris in the car on the way there that if we had a different tech at the imaging center than last time, I would ask if we could do a video again since anyone except for my local RE clinic seems so weirded out that I could want a video of my child. But this tech was…eh.
I got in the room and was sucking on an anti-nausea sucker and the new tech asked what brought me in today, as if she didn’t already read my chart. I turned around and lovingly put my hand on my pudge and smile, “Baby!” I don’t know, expecting her to think I was just as cute as I was trying to act. But she just gave me a frown.
“I mean, is there a concern?”
It took me a moment before I realized, oh here’s another health professional that thinks weekly ultrasounds in the first trimester is akin to running around naked on the freeway. So, suddenly self-concious of the sucker in my mouth I explained that this is what my clinic does routinely.
“I see you were just here last week.”
“OK…lie down there. And you don’t know the date of your last menstrual period?”
“Er, no.” I said. What’s with this question? I did IVF.
“Ok, so your due date is sometime in December?” (read: So you’re just an irresponsible whore that has no idea when she got knocked up?)
“My due date is December 11th.”
And away went the ultrasound. Most of it was in silence. She went really fast. Baby is 49.7mm (1.96in) and measuring 11w5d and her heart rate was 161 (the baby’s not the tech). Seaweed must have thought she was a total bitch too (the tech not Seaweed) because she wasn’t doing her usual acrobatics, which ended up being fine because there was no way I thought this tech would let Chris take a video anyway.
When she was done, we started walking out and I realized she wasn’t going to give us any pictures. So I asked her and she asked if I had the CD from last week’s visit and I said no, no one told me to bring it back. She did end up giving me a new CD with some pictures, but when I got home I saw the video she took of the baby’s heartbeat wasn’t on there. Oh well I guess.
Her little hand is up by her head. She’s such a diva. Top view: Check out those adorable frog legs!
I thanked her for the CD and while we were waiting for it to copy, I told her that I thought I felt the baby move last night because I felt little bubbles.
She smiled, “Oh I think it’s too early to feel movement right now.” Kthxbai. Chris and I walked out to the waiting room and I grabbed by sucker back from him.
“It was the baby, ” I nodded, smiling. Psh, ain’t no one getting me down.
I’m waiting for Houston to receive the faxed results and tell me everything looks good. Then I am pretty much done with the RE and I’m assuming I’ll make another appointment with the OB in the next week or so. Happy 12 weeks to Seaweed!
omg… your stories! What kind of qualifications do you have to have to be an ultrasound tech?? It's the miracle of LIFE, they should be excited – dang! Happy 12 weeks! 🙂
Eeeekkkkssss!!!! Happy 12 Weeks!!! And. Regarding the tech. I've been known to throw a heckofa imaginary throat punch. Just sayin….
Happy 12 weeks Baby Seaweed! Glad everything is going well for you, Risa! Sad you keep getting crappy technicians, but at least you're getting reassurance that everything is A-Okay!
I absolutely felt my third baby at 10 weeks. Don't let anybody tell you differently. Found out some weeks later that I had severe placenta previa and I think God just wanted me to be reassured that my little girl was alive and kicking just fine. She was the one who found all my corners to kick anyway. Praying for you, your husband and your baby, Risa. From another Risa … it's one of my nicknames as I'm Marisa.
Ugh snotty little witch wasn't she! I had a nurse tell me there was no way I was feeling baby at like 12-14 weeks. Just smile, nod, and know that you know better!
Happy 12 weeks!!!
Yay for 12 weeks!!!
It was TOTALLY the baby! I felt the first flutters at 12 weeks! And I can't tell you HOW MANY times I had to explain I did IVF and my LMP doesn't line up when my due was. My due date was July 21 and they kept telling me it was July 25. I wanted to scream every time I went for an appointment. They need to put a giant yellow sticker on our folders that say IVF PATIENT! 😉
Screw the tech. She's just bitter.
And I agree; those bubbles are totally the baby.
What a B. Forget her. Baby seaweed is wiggling in there. Momma knows best!
Whoo hooo! 12 weeks!! I don't understand some people….next time, tell that tech to SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT!!