2024 Freelance income report: Q2

Things picked up quickly in April and suddenly, I had made more in a month than I did in the last three months combined. Five of the 7 clients I worked with in April were new clients. Actually, one of those was an old client who I recently started writing…

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Austin at 12 months old

It’s been snowing around here, but this winter was really mild. And for Austin’s birthday, the snow was gone and it was beautiful out. That post coming soon. First birthdays come with gobs of photos, so it deserves its own post. But here he is on his actual birthday, enjoying…

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2024 Freelance Income Report: Q1

I went in to the start of this new quarter without expectations. I mean, I made goals. In my last income report post, I made my 2024 goal of $40,000 and a stretch goal of $60,000. A goal of $40,000 means making $10,000 per quarter, or $3,333 a month. With…

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Austin at 11 months old

Almost a year. He’s almost a year and I don’t know where it’s gone, but it’s probably taken my sanity with it. Oh he’s just the cutest little thing. Austin is such a peanut. I’m looking forward to his well-child check next month to see how long he is. Because…

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Austin at ten months old

This baby doesn’t sit still for anything anymore. He’s on the move, loves eating solids, and knows what he wants (and doesn’t want.) I didn’t weight or measure him at all, but he’s long. He’s teeny, like a peanut, but long and so it’s not going to be long where…

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